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Jimin Focus

BFree_Of_Agust_D: lol Gloss is taken a leave once again! Still fake as fuck

CookMyGukkieShook: can someone ban them already?

Runch_Tits:  S E R I O U S L Y

Dream94Runch_ality: I'm new lol wats goin on??? I'ms o confused

RandaRyan420: MUCH LOVE TO YOU NEW MCs!!! #MCJay #MCGukk 💜💜💕

Agust_Dont: Gloss is a fake ass little bitch who can't even rap that's was going on

GukkMeBangtan: omg I LOVE YOU GUKK

BFree_Of_Agust_D: *Dream94Runch_ality this station is pointless and doesn't deserve all the hype it gets

StillRanda: SAY HI TO ILSAN 💜💜

Jimin's hard stare at the chat room grew darker and darker outside of the old little book store as the minutes went on. He watched each horrible little colored text bubble arrive with a sardonic chirp through his headphones as the BTR started their midnight cast without the smooth of their main hosts.

Runch Randa and Gloss has seemingly gone MIA and Jimin felt his warm rose quartz bones glow a icy blue underneath his cloudy skin. The night air was chilled with the summer cicadas buzzing out a performance for their city to hear. People gathered along the streets of Seoul, buying food from small, yellow-lit carts and bustled to the street performers using the Spring Break to their advantage to stay out until morning.

With a sigh, Jimin looked up at the stars, shoving his phone into the front pocket of his favorite blue skinnies- one headphone left out to fall over the denim like a tire swing.

His phone chirped a few more times as he received more notifications from the chat. His fingernails dug into his palms at the thought of what they could possible hold and he angrily flipped his ringer to silent.
A couple dragged by with a few other friends in tow, half drunk and on their way to find the closest Noraebang before the night completely escaped them.

Yoongi had texted him earlier that day to meet up at the book shop before heading over to help Namjoon.
("Don't worry I'll make it up to you." Yoongi has winked. The junior would've liked to have told him that he didn't have to compensate for him helping out anymore- that he honestly enjoy spending time with him- but thought better when replying with a small, "You better, you ass.")

Jimin, getting his entire place to himself after his parents left for business, had called Hoseok over to gossip and dance around the little apartment- trying on some of his mother's fancy clothes and tripping over the wood in her platforms and red stilettos. He smiled to himself, half of his face shadowed with the red-pink light of the neighboring tattoo parlor and 'Yeri's IceCream & Cake Shop' down the way like a cotton candy beacon of a sugar induced coma. His stomach grumbled a bit but he popped in a fresh thin stick of cinnamon gum to sooth the little beast with a grimace, hoping he and Yoongi could eat afterwards.

"♪Your short hair looks pretty, but I don't press like cuz it just seems a bit funny♪"

The tune rocked his high top clad feet, back bumping against the wall and back of his thigh brushing against a large planter nesting thick green ferns and a sad excuse for an oak sapling. The ring of a customer exiting Paper Planes brought Jimin from his daze, look over his shoulder and watching two familiar looking school girls skip by with quiet giggles and shy glances.

Do I know them? He thought. Any thought he had of running into the book store and stripping a while ago quickly left his mind as Yoongi exited the store with a final 'bye' wave to Joshua as he managed the counter on his own for the rest of the night with Jeonghan.

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