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Jimin Focus

Jimin had no idea what he was doing. He didn't know what he was doing up at two in the morning on a school night. He didn't know why he was out in the middle of the city, phone charge low and scarf tucked close around his neck.

He'd lost his BTRadio pin sometime last week and had absolutely no idea where it could've been. He checked his room, the school- even the whole god damn appartment complex- and it was nowhere in sight.
When he'd first joined the fandom, he and one of the other fans had become pen pals and he'd traded some of his art for the pins she'd made.
He didn't want to explain to her why he needed another...

The streets were cool and the trees were like large patches of marigolds dripping with crystal rain from earlier that morning.
Jimin swore under his breath as a puff of ghostly air whipped through his cream-knit sweater. His teeth chattered against his cinnamon gum- which had turned to tasteless rubber during the wait.

His headphones worked as makeshift earmuffs and chanted Conan Gray's newest song 'Grow'. Jimin might've been a bit obsessed...

"♪I look about seventy years older. It feels like minutes but really it's hours~♪"

A warm shadow brushed against his shoulder, posture slouched and breath as minty as an Extra commercial.
He didn't say anything, only grabbed the young, tired student's wrist and began jay walking across the barren street.


"Shhh." The masked shadow clipped. Jimin frowned.


"Yoongi." The other corrected.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked, smoothing his fingers through his peroxide- lemonade hair.

"Jesus your hands are fucking small." Yoongi snickered, looking both ways before landing on the sidewalk again.
Jimin only grumbled to himself; too tired to put up with this kind of harassment at ass o'clock.

Few people were out on the streets. The butter haired boy rubbed his puffy eyes and looked at the rain speckled worker in front of him.
Jimin thought it was odd that Yoongi was wearing a bucket hat and mask so early in the morning. To him, the elder looked a lot like No Face but couldn't find it in him to tease when Min was the only source of warmth he had at the moment. Despite his past belligerence with the older boy, he pressed his shoulder into the his back and hummed silently.

"Where're we goin'" He repeated.


Jimin waited.

"M'cold you ass hat."
Yoongi scoffed, hand slipping down the student's arm and clamping over his entire hand instead of digging into the sensitive part of his elbow. The younger watched his ears turn rosy from the cold.

Bastards probably colder than I am. He so thin. Jimin thought, shuffling to pull out another stick of cinnamon gum.

"Not my fuckin' problem brat." They continued down the streets and through back alleys filled with stray cats and old people out watering the plants by their back door and taking out their trash.
The foliage grew more plentiful the farther they walked. Droplets of rain fell on top of their shoulders like small comets as they walked through starry puddles.

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