♪Mr. Sandman♪

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Jimin Focus

Eyes wide open, Jimin jumped at the jiggle of the front door- a snowy haired school security guard tip toeing through the frame in the dark and setting his stuff down on the small little love seat near the entrance way.
The blonde closed his eyes and pretended to sleep- his back to the door- sensing the older walking past him to his room before turning back with a sigh.

"Minie." He whispered, hand smoothing over his thigh- a fuzzy brick road of embers across his skin. "Jeez, kid you didn't even change outta your school clothes."
His other hands threaded through his blonde fringe, weaving a pleasant tingle down his neck while gingerly jostling him 'awake'.

"'Was waiting for you." Jimin mumbled, keeping his eyes closed. Yoongi licked out a strangled groan from his kitty-cat lips.

"Jimbles. Okay. C'mon- we're moving to the bed."

"At least take me on a third date, Yoongs." The blonde said under a yawn, undoing another one of his uniform buttons and stretching out his legs across the couch- arm over his face. Sleep was really hitting him now that the older had come back; he could finally relax.
The older poked his stomach and told him to get up once again. "Dun wanna."

"Jimin seriously. I'm not letting you sleep on the couch when you've got school in a few hours."

"Fuck school. M'not goin' in lookin like hell." He removed his arm and sat up, watching in pained amusement as the worker's face flickered from exhaustion to concern.

"Shit, sweetheart." His hands itched and then retracted, choosing to help the kid up and into his room with a thin arm around his waist and his blanket in hand.
Jimin pressed his nose into the college man's shirt, insides sparkling with coffee, caramel and something heavier... like smoke.

"Y'r gonna ruin your lungs if you smoke." He says- deja vu of last night tickling his tongue. Sugar gave him a curious look while plopping the kid down on his mattress- the boy's body bouncing off of the covers before tumbling into a lazy fetal position on his side. "You've been smelling like it lately. Got somethin' to tell me, honey?" His voice swung high like a house wife's before dipping into a giggle.

"It's not me, it's Joon. He likes to light up during our breaks." Yoongi strained while taking off his shoes and tossing them in his closet.

"Don't like it on you." Jimin pouted into his side. A rough laugh shuddered through the dim lit room and the junior squirmed with sunlight on his collarbones; thin orange lines squinting over the curtains.

"And I don't like these clothes on you, so strip." The older growled, slapping at the toned calves under the stiff pants material. "I wanna look at that bruise."

"There's a bruise!?" The younger squeaked, gently pressing his fingers up under his eyes and flinching away with a hiss.
The older jumped with him, wincing at the kid's reaction. Jimin shimmied out of his slacks, then quickly unbuttoned his shirt while Yoongi hurried to his bathroom to rummage around for some medicine.
The junior slipped into one of his friend's shirts and walked into the bathroom.

An unsteady gasp crawled it's sour way up his throat as he inspected the damage. Yoongi spun around just when the pearls beaded down his colored cheeks.
Purple and blue burst with bitter enthusiasm down the left side of his face. If someone were to look close enough, they could see four blots of defined fingers and just the edge of a large palm.

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