♪Jam Jam 1/2♪

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Jimin Focus

(Bless Festa cause I was totally gonna just sit in my anxiety again all day: Happy 5 Years With BTS- enjoy some fluff😂😂)

Jimin felt ecliptic. Yoongi was the sun and he was the moon and at the moment he felt extremely close to burning up and being swallowed whole in darkness.

Kissing Yoongi wasn't at all how he'd thought- especially after the thrift store and a few minutes prior. The older held his chin up, almost knowingly and held them both steady.
It was Jimin's first since elementary (a girl named Sowon who then later that day told on him for judo kicking Taehyung off the swings- one of the proudest moments of his life), feeling awkward and shy while trying not to pull away and make a madman's race for it to the safety of the school.

But Yoongi was smooth, careful and patient. The hand that'd been aggressively holding onto the back of his neck now held Jimin's wrist and pressed small circles into the sensitive underside.

They pulled away and before Jimin could apologize for being such a ten year old girl when it came to kissing, Yoongi flipped them around so Jimin was against the wall.

"Why're you so blushy?" He chuckled, pressing the cool back of his hand to Jimin's face. "You like kissing me Minie?"

"Shut the fuck up." Jimin seethed, batting away the others hand. Yoongi looked fondly at him, a little disbelieving even, and squeezed Jimin's sides just to make sure it was real.
He leaned in again, tilting his head more and slotting their mouths together expertly.

Jimin sighed, hands coming up to lace a crown in the older's inky locks. A moan fell between them when Yoongi licked at the seam of the junior's lips and Jimin pressed his knee between Yoongi's legs.

The ravenette forced the younger's mouth open and licked into him before pulling away with Jimin chasing after him.
The older smirked, blowing a red-ish pink bubble from his lips.

He'd stollen his gum.

"That's the most disgustingly attractive thing I think I've ever seen you do." Jimin said monotonously; so done with his hyung's bullshitiery.
Yoongi gave him a lingering kiss, deepening it and rolling his hips against Jimin's thigh- just barely- enough to drive him mad.

"Stop making fun." The younger whined against the older's lips. He could feel Yoongi's lips curl and his chest flush against his own. Their bodies so in sync now Jimin wished the moment would ever end.

"Okay you little fucker. Here's your posh ass coff- Oh shit, Yoongi?" Taehyung's eyebrows all but flew off his face before wiggling suggestively into a smirk. "What's goin' on out here?"
Jimin pushed away from the other, who still held onto his wrist, and furiously shook his head.

"No-nothing!" He squeaked. Yoongi's shy smirk down at his shoes as he glanced at the younger was enough to clue the other junior in on what just happened.

"Uh-huh?" Tae said- fully unconvinced. Hoseok came out in no time, walking up to the trio in their stare down.

"What's up?" He smiled, giving a nod to the eldest.

"Nothing apparently." Yoongi scoffed. "You guys should get to school though. I'll see you later."
Taehyung dragged Hoseok away first as they waved their goodbyes.

"Jimin we'll wait for you at the light." His best friend said, pointing two fingers to his eyes and then back at the shorter.

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