♪Lemon Boy♪

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Jimin Focus

There they were, standing in front of the V-brew with pink noses and tired eyes- waiting for Brian and Wonpil to show up and open the place for business.
Jimin had dressed himself in a thin button down flannel and his black jeans with the wide holes in the knees. His black Timberlands were scuffed up with sawdust and white paint dust from he and Yoongi's last 3:15 AM expedition to get a better step stool for the bookstore.
It really wasn't Yoongi's fault that his friend had broken it, but it was his job to replace it since he was honestly the only one who ever used it.

"Didn't I tell you to dress warmer?" Yoongi barked, sending a disapproving glare to the kid while thumbing at his shirt.

"You're the one who wanted to meet at ass o'clock you piece of shit." Jimin scowled as he shivered, batting away the taller's hands. He yawned, eyes heavy and head aching from his lack of sleep last night. He couldn't find it in himself to drift after BTRadio's last cast. A new host- Jay- had been introduced and Gukk had come on to put his two cents into the conversation every now and then, but Gloss... Gloss was what kept him awake.

"Be thankful I'm taking you out today, kid." Yoongi sniffed, hand kneeding the stiff muscles of the blonde's neck and messing with the already chaotic ramen-noodle hair on the back of his head.

"Why don't you take any normal shifts- aren't you human?" Jimin whined. His face was bloated with sleep and his eyes could barely stand to keep open while his head nodded in his struggle to stay awake. "And you were supposed to show up with coffee!"

"Don't be a child, Baby G." Yoongi yawned, lilt in his deep voice and lethargic smirk on his pouty-peach lips. The younger tore out a grubby pair of headphones and held one out for older to take.
While scrolling through his music choices he landed on one Gloss had played on one of the first few casts the shorter had listened to.
Jimin beamed and in a strong rush of nostalgia, he pressed play on the song.

"You're falling further down but I've caught you by a thread.♪"

"You've gotta be shitting me." Yoongi's barked. "Are you trying to fall asleep before we even do anything?" He asked incredulously.

"No! This is a good song! It has sentimental value to me." Jimin hissed, aimlessly slapping the blue haired boy's side lightly.

"Fuck that. If you're gonna play Cavetown play something a little more upbeat."

"♪It's a little tough to put acorn shells on ice sheets without breaking through as flooding the whole town.♪"

"You know this band?" Jimin frowned while Yoongi tossed back his head in a sad choke of laughter.

"The hell do you think I am, sweetheart?" He closed his eyes as they waited, slipping his hand into Jimin's to steal away his phone and-
Alright. The younger may have started getting a tiny bit concerned about little sparks of kinetic energy that'd jump through his fingertips whenever they brushed hands. Jimin held himself back from whining. If Yoongi felt anything similar he made no show of it, going about his business like normal and squinting through the brat's phone while scoffing every now and then.

"Dude sounds like a damn fetus in all his earlier work." Yoongi grumbled.

"It's called puberty, Sugar. Everyone goes through it- even you." Jimin reached over and pinched the older male's Adam's apple.

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