♪ Cinnamon ♪

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Jimin Focus

"That was f(x)'s 4 Walls. Up next, I'll be drinking my coffee while Gukk tries to keep still in his chair and finish his damn English homework." Jimin laughed, sitting up in his bed after the alarm on his phone shocked him awake. Waking up to his favorite station was always the best way to start off his day. Runch Randa had taken over for his day shift, but it was safe to assume Gloss would come on later and join in on the broadcast.
He stretched his aching muscles and slipped out of the comfort of his blankets, slipping his feet into a fresh pair of fluffy mismatched socks and trekking out of his room and to his kitchen where there sat a note and a plate of cold waffles.
The short brunette sighed, sliding back to grab his radio and drag it out to sit on the counter as he warmed up his breakfast.
He snatched the note and flipped it open before mumbling its contents aloud.

"Hey sweetie, sorry we both had to leave early for work again. Warm these up and have a great day. We'll be home later to-" he shut his eyes right while crumpling up the letter and tossed it in the bin. This was one of several times Jimin woke to an empty house, not that he could complain often, he just wished his mother would rest a little bit every now and then; she worked so hard only to be disrespected.
And when she worked overtime, he was left in the house with him.

"Perfect." He huffed.

"Right now, since most of you are probably heading to work or school I thought I'd play a slightly slower song. I heard this again on my way to the station- it's probably one of my favorite songs right now- this is Press Your Number by Taemin."

Jimin moaned, recognizing the song almost instantly; he pulled out his waffles and danced his way to his seat on a stool at the island in the middle of the kitchen.
He checked the time; 6:45, an hour and a half to get to school. Jimin scarfed down the rest of his breakfast, going into the fridge and drink some of the orange juice from straight out of the carton and then walking back into his room- not forgetting to wash his dishes.

"♪ After waking up alone on a dark night like a habit. I'm thinking of you and I'm feeling freaky."
Jimin laughed, checking his phone again to find a long array of notifications from his best friend. He settled for reading just the first few while sorting through his things for school.

Yah Main Hoe TeaTea👾👅💦🐯: ayee bitch-shōnen you ready?
Yah Main Hoe TeaTea👾👅💦🐯: Hobi's coming with us. HMU n call meh 😫😭😭

Jimin shook his head and dialed his friend's number, waiting for him to pick up while putting it on speaker. He went to his closet and pulled out his uniform, slipping on the black slacks and white button up and then pulling the navy blue and yellow detailed coat.

"Chiminie~" Tae's voice shouted through the phone.

"Tae Tae! Good morning my love." The small brunette sung dramatically, grabbing his bag and shuffling his sock covered toes into his black school shoes.

"Morning dork. We're heading out right now. Hoseok said he can't go to the café per say, but wants us to bring him a coffee." The tan baritone said, eye-roll coming out through his tone.

"That's fine. Be there in five." The small brunette chirped.

"Okay~ see you there." The call ended and Jimin grabbed his copy of the house keys and stepped out his front door into the hot, humid morning fog. "Yuck." He murmured to himself, slipping back out of his jacket and loosening his blue and yellow striped tie. His neighbor Mrs. Chu was out watering her sunflowers and gardenia patch she had near her garage. The old man that lived across the way was out in an old white and green foldable beach chair smoking his morning cigar just like he did every day; Jimin's senses took in the oddly pleasing smell of fresh smoke.
Mr. Lee had his radio on in his 1971 baby blue Mercedes, quietly humming along to the static filled trot music.
The jacaranda trees were in full bloom, littering purple petals all the way down the pathway and out of his little alley community.
There were few clouds in the sky so the sun shone straight above the junior's head.

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