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Jimin Focus

A couple of weeks ago, waking up to an empty bed had to be one of the worst feelings Jimin ever experienced. Yoongi gone, warmth lingering, but presence of security vanished from thin air like a regular Houdini.

Waking up with Yoongi shoving his nose into his neck, however, actually might've been even worse.

"Hyung, I can feel you drooling into my neck." Jimin grimaced, pushing the other away just enough to bring his shirt up to wipe away the dribble. He felt his skin boiling from the close proximity and a shamefully pressed back into it with a serene sigh. He was disgusted but not enough to pass up on the opportunity to sneak closer to the older as he snored lightly. He lived for soft mornings like this.

"Stop fucking moving, brat." Yoongi moaned against his chest, digging a hand into his hips and pinching the skin just enough to make Jimin yelp.

Yoongi's room smelt nice. Breakfast lingered from out in the kitchen, making the brunet's stomach grumble petulantly and his legs jitter under the tangle of covers. Coffee caressed searing warm kisses into his neck as the light barely shone through the curtains, room a pretty periwinkle as the morning started in a cat tail's fog outside.

The junior felt like he'd been out smoking with the cool summer night air surrounding his body for hours. His chest was warm and his head seemed to grow more and more dazed each time Yoongi's fingers twiddled against his hipbone. It was otherworldly, looking behind him at the half awake man and seeing someone he knew he loved dearly; someone who he'd known for years, but only recently could truly think of as 'his' instead of just 'the fandom's' (or the general 'ours' he'd use in his SoundCloud covers).

A kiss lingered on the smooth skin of his shoulder. Yoongi's eyes were open now and trailing down the plain of Jimin's neck; following the tendon as the kid swallowed nervously.

"Hyung." Jimin spoke lowly, just barely able to see his elder's face in the dim light. Gold streaked under the door- lights on in the kitchen as lowfi hummed at a low decibel along with the faint crackle of food in a hot pan.

"Sweetheart, did you sleep alright?" Yoongi asked, pressing another kiss, this time much closer to the junior's neck. "You kicked around a lot last night. Thought maybe it was because of what happened at your house."

Jimin's mind couldn't even fathom what happened last night yet. He was muddled so early in the morning; Yoongi's lips branding warmth into his blood.
His head felt fuzzy and littered with dust bunnies at the corners the longer the older spoke in that low hum. Daegu lisp finding some way to lick at the roots of his words.

A gasp filled the quiet room. Jimin's mouth forming an 'o' while his eyes fluttered shut.
The college boy's hands ran up the kid's semi-toned tummy, stretch marks strokes of a delicate paintbrush on his hips.

Overwhelming laps of the older student's tongue ran hot, up, up, up the kid's neck until a kiss was pressed behind his ear. He craned his neck to the side just to give Yoongi better reach, earning himself a quiet snort.

"So you're okay?" His lips mouthed, working between small nibbles to harsh sucks to Jimin's jawline.

"Ne-never better." The junior stumbled, biting his lip and trying hard to get a hold of himself.
Yoongi moved up, pulling the abused flesh from between his teeth and pressing a chaste morning kiss to the brunet's plush mouth.

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