♪Moon River♪

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Jimin Focus

"Minie. C'mon Short Stack get up....Baby, get up it's time for you to go to school." A deep voice rattled next to Jimin's ear as he lay face down in his bed.

Wait... no?

This definitely wasn't his bed. Cream sheets, a chrysanthemum-gold and wine red Afghan, and large marshmallow top pillows filled up the empty space on the bed. There were no glow stars on the walls, no lights, no radio, no vinyls on the book shelves. The room was small and cozy but in a completely different way than how Jimin's own room was. This room felt safe and smelt of eucalyptus, vanilla coffee and caramel. The air was cold and yet Jimin's chest felt warmer than he could ever remember it being.

"Mh~ Gloss?" Jimin groaned, spinning around to find Yoongi's bewildered expression just seconds before he could mask it behind his signature grimness.

"No kid. It's just me." Yoongi scoffed, cheeks tinted pink as he secretly bit away a smile. "Get up. I was kind enough to ask Jin to make you breakfast so don't let it get cold." The blue haired boy said, stripping away the sheets and sending a sharp slap to the younger's ass.
Jimin squealed, jumping up and scuttling out the door past the thin clerk.

They made their way to the table where Jin said a quick good morning and good bye on his way out the door to his first class- not even allowing Jimin to get a good look at the guy. The blonde boy quietly polished off his breakfast of blueberry pancakes and thick maple syrup.
It'd been a while since he'd had a home cooked meal so early in the morning since his parents always left for work early. The dough was fluffy and the blueberries burst with tangy sweetness with every bite he took. A small smile adorned his face as he chewed; happily filling up his cheeks. Yoongi watched with sharp calico eyes that crinkled in amusement.

"Did you eat after I left, sweetheart?" Jimin shook his head 'no'. "Why not?"
He blushed.

"I felt kind weird eating by myself. It's lonely." He shrugged, shoveling in a large fluffy square past his lips and keeping his head bowed.

"Mh. Tell me next time. I'll stay." Yoongi said quietly, picking up Jimin's empty plate and washing their dishes.
The blonde stood from his seat and watched the older male's nimble fingers pluck up a yellow sponge and start scrubbing circles of suds into his mug.

"S'there anything I can do to help?" Jimin asked nervously. He fiddled with the fabric of his boxers and bit at the inside of his cheek. Yoongi chuckled, sounding more like a cough with how raspy his voice was. On further inspection, Jimin noticed the boy was still in his clothes from the night before, hair mussed up at odd angles and curling at the ends. Wandering eyes searched about the room and landed on the couch where a thin blanket was scrunched up into the creases of the living room couch.

"You slept on the couch?" Jimin clucked as his stomach tried to swallow him whole.

"You need a ride to school?" The blue haired boy asked. He set the dishes on the dishwasher and brushed past the kid to straighten up the counter.

"You could've woken me up. I would've moved. I could've slept on the floor." The student insisted, glaring at his hyung with disapproval. "You were more tired than I was, you could've-"

"I didn't want to." Yoongi barked. He cleared his throat, looking up at Jimin from under his lashes. "I didn't want to wake you. You looked exhausted when I picked you up. I couldn't bring myself to do it- in fact the thought never even crossed my mind."
Jimin gawked. Unknowingly, his heartbeat picked up; working double time with every passing second the worker stared at him.

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