♪When You Love Someone♪

11K 754 724

Jimin Focus

The sun was all the way down- settled in to its peppy morning persona on the other side of the world, ready to start their day with a giant 'fuck you' stream of light in their sealed-shut, tired eyes.

There was a short intermission between acts while the other talents arrived and set up behind stage or sat down in the audience to wait on the lawn closer to the stage. Jungkook joked about how it reminded him of kindergarten talent shows and Namjoon snorted making some quick quip about his age.
Hoseok had disappeared towards the stage- having been summoned by Dowoon waving his long volleyball-toned-arms wildly and shouting as soon as the break began.

Jimin had his head cushioned in Yoongi's lap while the paler boy tangled his fingers softly through his hair. He had his eyes closed, pretending to sleep while nosing at his friend's lower thigh and sighing contently. Every now and again he'd squint up at the college man just to marvel; watch him talk with the others, send a few glares to his friends, or catch him staring down at him with a look that had Jimin's heart leaping out of his throat.

"Yoongi I don't think I've ever seen you so calm." Jin remarked, stretching his arms out over his head and tugging at Joon's jacket until he was snuggly settled between his legs.
Namjoon- reduced to a blushing mess- squeaked out a hum and nodded.

"Yeah. So... we gonna see him around anytime soon?" He cleared his throat.

"No." Yoongi deadpanned, noticeably tensing under Jimin's head. For a moment, he fluttered his eyes open to look up at Yoongi. His dark eyebrows were drawn together making his piercing glitter and his lips were set into a grim, straight line. It was nearly the same look the older boy had given him the first time they met- only this time his eyes held pain instead of impatience.

See me around where? The blonde thought with a small frown, closing his eyes again. Did they mean Yoongi's apartment? He'd been there just a week ago, so that couldn't be it.

"When then?" Jungkook asked, reaching down to grab a bag of pretzels from their pile of snack foods.

"Doesn't matter." The boy's voice croaked above him, like he wanted an answer to the question himself, but had come up empty.

Jimin sighed before stretching his stiff back and sitting up (trying hard not to be disappointed when Yoongi's hand fell from his hair).

"Have they gone up yet?" The junior yawned and Taehyung snorted.

"It's only been like fifteen minutes since the break. You've been asleep for half an hour." Jungkook elaborated. Jimin made a low sound in his throat before snatching a gummy worm from one of the open bags and chewing on it with the body halfway between his lips.
Yoongi took a few too, nom'ing the pastel gelatin creatures while briefly sending a text to Hoseok.

"Hobi said they should be up as soon as the break is done." He said.

"Which song do you think they'll play?" Jungkook piped up, feeding Taehyung a pretzel while the others held in their post-cuteness groans.

"Dunno. They said they were keeping it simple tonight since it's a sorta spring-event." Jin nodded.

"Hoseok says he's coming back to sit with us." Yoongi frowned down at his phone while closing it and slipping it into his pocket and reaching for a fruit snack. Jimin watched Yoongi closely, pouty lips squishing as he chewed and eyebrows still pulled together. The blonde reached over, pressing his thumb into the crease to straighten it out- biting down a smile when the black haired boy jolted in surprise. His eyes were wide when he looked at him and Jimin only gave him a shy smile in response before stealing a piece from Yoongi's fruit snack pouch.

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