♪Someone That Loves You♪

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Jimin Focus

(A/N: Prep yerselves fer a real shit update- this chapter is a mess, but I'll try and edit/change all of it later. I just really wanna get something up)

"Here we are." Yoongi said proudly, hand spread out in a 'ta-da' sort of gesture.
They'd stopped in front of a small, shady looking, red brick store. The sign outside was painted and withered with age, while the potted plants on either side of the door varied between extremely wilted and overwatered to crisp and browning with death.


A thrift shop?

"Here?" Jimin quirked a thick brow, nose twitching and shoulders shivering from the sudden gust of cold air through his thin shirt.

"Yep." The older said excitedly as he tossed their empty cups into a nearby bin. He pulled open the door and walked into the darkness. The blonde looked after him for a beat, watching the back of the older get sucked into the dimly lit establishment. He popped in a stick of cinnamon gum to calm his nerves, moving towards the wide open door.
He tripped on the way in, letting out a small squeak when he accidentally ran into light haired boy.

"Fuck. It's dark." Jimin whispered into the older's neck. He didn't notice the small shiver that skipped its way down the older's chest.

"You'll adjust." Yoongi said clearing his throat, side stepping away and over to the counter.
Jimin squinted. There behind the register stood a tall, scary looking guy in a black Misfits long sleeve rolled up to his elbows and dirty white apron with a tag written in chicken scratch reading 'Monie'. "Hey Joon" The older greeter the tall worker (who hadn't taken his eyes off of the small ramen headed kid since he walked in). Jimin was beginning to feel a bit tense.

"Is this that kid you've been-"

"Yes." Yoongi interrupted with a serious look. "We're here to thrift so don't bother us."

"I thought we were here for a job?" Jimin mumbled as he shifted in his shoes and wiggled his toes nervously.

"And we are! I need new sweaters and you're gonna help me." Jimin made a face. He looked around, taking in the multitude of different clothes that were arranged color coordinated. The music- though a decent bop- was too loud in the junior's ears; the bass bouncing off the walls, pulsating under the blonde's skin and rattling his bones.

"♪ Pudgy face kissing lace in the backseat- Wrinkled toss of the coin that I can't see- Don't forget I have you to be like me- Where around is enough for a family.♪"

The only lighting around the room came from ominously blinking yellow lamps and the bright early morning rays shining through the small window above the door.

Jimin couldn't tell yet if the establishment was just bad at first impressions, honestly shady, or if he was just too quick to judge.
The smell of the place was like burnt popcorn and cement that'd spent the day being showered with a garden hose.
Nothing about it was too entirely unpleasant- just different and a bit uncomfortable.

"We're kinda under construction in a few places." Monie hummed behind the register, swiping a crooked hand through his brown hair. "There might be a bit of paint around the floor along with some nails or screws so be careful. The renovations in the way back and upstairs are nearly done so I'd stick there." He smiled, dimple bigger than The Worlds Deepest Pit.

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