♪My My My!♪

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Jimin Focus

Jimin smirked when he caught Jungkook watching Tae with predatorial eyes as he exited the bathroom, wiping his face with the hem of his shirt and showing of his tan, mildly tone tummy.
Taehyung jumped back up each set of wide set stairs all the way back up to them.

"Hey, okay where was I?" He shook his head. Jimin could feel the nervousness radiating off of him and wasn't quite sure whether it was from the game or from the attractive dark haired stranger who sat wide eyed and bushy tailed right in front of him. Who knew, maybe it was a mix of both? "What school do you go to Kookie?" Tae asked, chugging down red faced gulps of water while waiting for an answer. His chest heaved and he was sparkling with sweat but Tae being the full Monet he was looked like he could strip and hop on the runway at a moments notice.

"I'm homeschooled actually." Jungkook swallowed, voice gruff and Adam's apple bobbing.

"Really? You must be really smart to get to study all on your own! I always wanted to try homeschooling. Its tough trying to roll outta bed and go to classes. Plus the uniforms are itchy." The ace wrinkled his nose.

"Hey, I totally make it worth while though. If you were homeschooled what fine bod of art would you get the pleasure of sitting next to during lunch?" Jimin puffed his chest and ran a dramatic hand through his hair.

"You right." Tae nodded, pointing up a finger gun from his water bottle and sitting on the other side of Jungkook.
Yoongi leaned in after a while, head resting on the younger's shoulder while he eyed the smudge of black on the volleyball player's cheek. Seems like he wasn't the only one to notice either when Jimin settled a hand on the older's knee and leaned forward (unfortunately disturbing the clerk and letting his head fall and jolt back into a upright position) pointing at the squiggled lines.

"Tae why do you have 'niW' written in magic marker on your neck?" Jimin laughed, eyes sparkling with friendly adoration for his best friend.

"It's sympathetic magic, Chim. I fucked up cause I did it in the boy's locker room mirror- but it'll still work! I don't expect you to understand." He waved his hand (which by the looks of it had the words 'spike' in sweaty, bold green letters) with a casual smirk.
Meanwhile Jungkook drooled, lit up from the inside and left to wonder how such a magnificent human could possibly be real. His fingers itched before he spoke.

"I- Uh. I could do it for you on the other side." He suggested-real sophisticated like-, wiping down his palms on his jeans.
Jimin mentally wished the kid luck should he be looking to pursue his best friend.

"Sure! That'd be great." Tae said, handing him the marker and closing his eyes, head tilted to the side.

Unbeknownst to the small blonde boy, Yoongi had also been staring. The profile of the brat was absolutely stunning; straight and shapely nose, thick raspberry colored lips, pierced ears lined with silver, upside down crescent shaped eyes and crooked-toothed smile.
Jimins voice was the melody that Yoongi's ears head been deprived of his whole life. It was soft and sweet and smoother than a bell chime, but could easily go rough with a Busan slur at the drop of a hat.

"Sugar, look." Jimin whispered, hand patting excitedly at the other's thigh. Yoongi followed the kid's gaze and almost bust a lung trying to reign in his amusement.
Jeon Jungkook sat, posy pink as Taehyung gently carved out a paisley design of his jersey numbers on the side of his face.
To get a better angle the older boy rested a hand under the freshman boy's jaw, earning a nervous whimper.

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