♪Yam Yam♪

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Jimin Focus

Spring always seemed to come early in Seoul. The trees were in full bloom- bringing with them horrible allergies- and alive with full budding blossoms. The birds that'd been stuck hollowed up in their trees or gone for the most gruesome part of the winter now swooped around Jimin's neighborhood and perched themselves on his fire escape railing in the mornings.
School was getting harder, what with finals just around the corner and the young blonde was determined to study his ass off for the rest of the semester.

Jimin found himself at Paper Plane's on top of the counter typing away at a Korean History essay that was due that evening, his thick book of reference cradled in his lap.
Yoongi sat crisscrossed applesauce in his spinny-chair, scribbling in his own notebook while flipping through one of his college books to study for his own finals.
When Jimin had wandered in after school, Joshua and his friend Jeonghan were on their way out to go meet up with a couple others at the park- thus leaving him alone with the snow haired sourpuss.

"Fuck this shit!" Jimin groaned, flipping his textbook over the counter and onto the floor in a heap of scattered papers. If he looked hard enough, the papers almost spread out into a map of the Korean Peninsula.

"Hey you should try and finish that up soon, huh? Time's a'tickin'." Yoongi laughed.

"Fuck off." The blonde boy moaned, head tilted back miserably- back arched. "This is the pits"

"You're in for a hell of a ride when you get into college, kiddo." The older mumbled, flipping a page.
Jimin pushed his stuff aside and placed his head in his hands, spinning so his legs dangled off the other side of his makeshift bench towards Yoongi. He watched with silent interest, peeking through his fingers and down at his hard working hyung.
Another admirable quality to chalk up for the pale skinned clerk.

His brows pinched together- a black hoop through his piercing today- and hair falling in his face looking like something not of this world.
A pink slip of his tongue poked out of the corner of his lips in concentration. Every now and then a tired sigh or frustrated whine would fill up the silence in between the songs that played through the store. His silver rimmed glasses would slip down his perfectly sloped button nose, sometimes without him even noticing, and fall onto his book with a quiet 'fucks sake'.

When he got especially stressed, he'd throw his marigold-orange beanie to the floor and tousle his faded blue hair, black roots showing and undercut fresh from a recent trim.

"Jiminie if you're gonna stare at least be a little discrete." The older's voice strangled the blonde's windpipe, drawing out a startled noise and impossibly wide eyes.

"I wa-I wasn't!" He denied, arms crossing and looking out the the aisles behind them. He still got chills thinking about he and the college man's second meeting.
Yoongi was staring now, that annoying trademark smirk curled on his lips. Jimin could already feel himself getting warmer with the unwanted attention.
The white haired boy gripped his hanging feet, pulling them both simultaneously closer; Jimin sliding over the smooth surface of the counter and Yoongi rolling in his chair.

"You blush when people stare at you for too long, you know." It wasn't a question, it was a fact- one that Yoongi had told him so many times before.

"Yes." Jimin spat, even though the comment needed no answer.

"It's cute." Something stuttered in his chest. He wasn't at all prepared for such a comment. Yoongi played with the pants leg of Jimin's slacks, sometimes smoothing over his knee and then back down to the cuff. "Well, I need a break." The older sighed, forcing himself away and into a standing position. "You up for coffee?"

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