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Jimin Focus

Jimin was in the middle of his Korean studies homework when his father came home.
His heavy boots thud against the linoleum wood floor as he stumbled into his room.

"The fuck are you doin'?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed and face pulled into a drunken, confused grimace. The blonde bit the inside of his cheek, turned away and spun the volume up on his radio.

"Homework." His reply was clipped. Part of him wanted an argument; to brew up a storm of yells and hatred. The more reasonable part of him, of course, though hoped he didn't throw a fit at his disrespect.

"Mh. Don't know why you bother." He said causally. "Where's your mother? Thought she was gonna be home making me dinner." The smugness and slight irritation that showed through the man's yellowing teeth had Jimins jaw clenching and unclenching before taking a deep breath.

'Behave.' His mum had said gently before leaving to visit her old friends from high school.

"Shopping for your weekly menu demands." Whoops.

"Hey. You watch yer fuckin' tone you l'cunt. I run this house and work damn hard to provide you with the luxury that you have here." His father spat, pulling out a half empty beer bottle Jimin hadn't noticed before.

'Please.' She'd smiled, planting a soft kiss on his forehead before leaving.

"And I'm so thankful and indebted to you for giving me the very best." He croaked, muscles spasming from how rigid his posture was.

"Good." The man grinned smugly, heading back down the hall, through the living room to tackle his munchies.

Bastard forgot to close the fuckin door. The sound of bottles rustling echoed through the empty house as the sun streamed in a light too pure for this hell.
The junior got up, head fuzzing up a bit from the quick, robotic movement.
The shrill sounds of evening traffic filled in some of the space along with his static filled radio. Jimin checked his watch: another hour until Gloss's Monday radio cast.

'The war began June 25, 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea following a series of clashes along the border...' He read.
His mind muddled over, eyes flickering up to his window when he took a strong sip of his green tea, pulling his gold medallion blanket up over his shoulders.

God, focus. Focus. He huffed, scruffing up the hairs on the back of his head before angling his pencil and continuing.
'As a war undeclared by all participants...' I wonder what shift Yoongi's at right now... '—passed in 1950 to allow a bypassing of the Security Council if that body could not reach an agreement—led to the General Assembly displacing the Security Council as the primary organ of the UN...' His smoosh faced, stormy care bear, cotton candy soda lookin ass hasn't contacted me in weeks. Jimin frowned, stopping his scribbling and checking his phone.

BlueberryBastard: Paper Plane, 10 minutes. Hurry the fuck up, bebita.
-November 02, 4:30PM-

Jimin had rolled his eyes and bit his lip. A sore spot bruised around his sternum from the blurry thoughts of blue hair and gummy smiles hidden behind a black mask.

There was a crash from the kitchen and a chill whispered along his collarbones.

"Fuck!" His chest clenched as crunches of glass echoed in tune to deep hiccups. His father stumbled through the corridor slowly, drawing out the journey until he reached his son's door.

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