♪That Night♪

8.7K 749 856

Jimin Focus

Jimin felt like he was on some kind of drug.
His voice sang out into his ears and for a heartbeat— two heartbeats, he felt as if he'd floated up out of his body and the real Jimin was looking down on his pitiful worldly shell and laughing.

Gloss just played my song. Gloss just played my song.

Jimin checked his SoundCloud and scrolled lambently over the smooth surface of his phone screen to find months old notifications

"Aha!" Jimin could've tossed his phone.
There it was- forever ago from back at Vbrew.

BabyG: AugustBound has just followed you

Jimin checked out the profile and found it completely empty other than a single track labeled 'Untitled' and single liked playlist:

Jimin's playlist.

Gloss follows me. My idol Gloss follows me on SoundCloud and listens to my music on his own personal channel.

Usually the MC only ever posted stuff on BTRadio's account- so did this mean he started his own and was gonna start posting his originals there? Jimin went into his info and found three profiles.

Lido 194.9k
Raury. 102.8k
BabyG. 1k

Woah. Was that how many followers Jimin had now?
Within only a few minutes he'd gone up five hundred followers. People were gonna actually be listening to him- they'd be hearing him and Tae singing and making their silly stupid covers. They'd hear Jimin's few, rare originals that he'd posted as an outlet.

People would be listening to him.
Gloss was listening to him.

Oh jeez. Jimin blushed. That meant he'd heard the covers he'd done from his first mixtape- and botched the rapping parts in doing so.

Syubie🌟: -sent location-
Syubie🌟: you up for one last job, Minie?

That was a little odd, Jimin deemed.

It was almost two. Why would the older want him to head somewhere so late? Maybe he meant in the morning.
The young fanboy squealed when thinking about his bias caster lies tending to his voice. It was most definitely embarrassing- but it was nice knowing that the person her listened to and fallen in love with liked his music enough to introduce him on the show; it was a miracle he'd even found his profile.

Jimin dialed his hyung with eagerness prickling needles into his fingertips.
He couldn't wait to tell Yoongi.
Not that the older would care too much, though.

'Oh that's cool. Your Floss oppa or whatever noticed you. You gonna make him lunch and confess to him on the playground after arts and crafts?' He could practically hear the older scoff, smirk in check as he looked at him.

Maybe he'd get jealous and wanna date me if I told him I would confess to Gloss if I could. Jimin thought a little hotly. No no- that would be wrong and Yoongi would never.
Maybe I should just confess tonight. 'Soon' has proven itself to take a good several weeks to become 'Now'. Jimin felt that maybe it was about time. He fluffed the back of his hair as the call started.

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