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Jimin Focus

Jimin walked down the street on his way home from school with the sun burning bright at his neck. His mind was numb and his throat was dry, filled with the dull taste of cinnamon gum. Taehyung had to go to practice for volleyball and Hoseok had to work on a project for one of his clubs.
Unlike them, Jimin didn't have much to do after school. There wasn't an art club for him to draw, there was no established dance team (Well... A good one at least...) and he was pretty sure there wasn't a club for silk-voiced radio hosts. He had nowhere to go except home.

His day at school had been a complete failure. He'd gotten rammed into by some tall ass prep girl in heels- who then proceeded to slam her pointed wedge down onto his foot and insist she had a boyfriend. The test results from his last Trig test came in and he'd close to failed it, but the guy who was copying off his the entire time got a B minus. Which by the way Jimin's day was going, he wasn't really surprised.

Normally he'd have just brought out his headphones and drowned out the world but unfortunately he'd forgotten to charge it that morning and accidentally dropped it, shattering the whole front. He'd tripped over the stairs all day, barely managing to keep himself upright and getting to his classes on time; it seemed as if today the world was against him.
He walked into his house and was surprised to see his mother.

"Oh. Hey, hun." She greeted, eye smile game strong.

"Hi." He replied- a bit shaken she was actually home- before going straight to his room to set his stuff down. When he came back his mother was in the kitchen spooning in small mouthfuls of blueberry yogurt.

"How was work?" He asked, leaning over the island and dipping his finger in the purple cream.

"Nothing to brag about. Your father's stopping with a couple guys from work so he should be home around eight. So it's fend for yourself tonight for dinner." She sighed to herself, moving to the living room and curling up at the corner. Her son watched her closely, not missing how drained she looked, rubbing circles into her neck and stretching out her right hand to take the ache away. "Wanna watch So You Think You Can Dance?" She called, not looking away from the TV. Jimin blinked, plugging his broken phone in and hoping that it wasn't completely dead and damaged.

"Sure." He mumbled, walking over to the couch and bundling up in a blanket at the other end.
They both stayed quiet the rest of the night, only 'Ooh'ing and 'Awe'ing at the stunning dancers every now and then to fill the silence. When it hit past ten thirty, Mrs. Park decided it was a good time to lock the door since his father was taking so long; they both turned in, going through their nightly routines and heading off to bed.

Jimin, of course, stayed up to listen to the late night broadcast of Runch Randa's voice. It was odd, Gloss was usually on close to midnight and sometimes even started early during the week. Sure their airing hours were a bit wonky and all over the place, but it was never this off schedule. Was everything okay?

Jimin rushed to check the chat and see if anyone else was as concerned as him.

Runch_Tits: Guys, I'm sure he's just tired. It's not like this is the first time he's skipped a broadcast.

Soft_Radio_Stan: But what if he's hurt? What if he's sick? WHAT IF HES D E A D!?

Gukk_Book2001: *Soft_Radio_Stan Jesus fuckin Christ calm down. You're gonna freak the whole fandom out.

GlossIsMyDick: Fr he's proly chillin back n watching Randa

Gukkless97: Wat if they're fuckin?

Gukk_Book2001: OML #Glosukk

GukkDe_Taut: #Glosukk for president 2017

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