♪Sweet Sound Of Ignorance♪

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Jimin Focus

It was a restless day at the pet store and Yoongi was looking just as damper as the sky outside. The rain hadn't let up for a good few days, clouds swirling and dropping stars on the city's galaxy lit streets and buildings.

Outside, the water fell like dimes, nickels and quarters out of a small child's pocket. Slow rumbling of the sky shaking the black lit store. Pink, blue and white neons glittered and dripped onto the dark pavement out in front. The power phased in and out like the flicker of an even worse storm to come.

But Jimin wasn't worried. The fish were calm and collected in their tanks, floating unaware as the radio sang, crisp and clean, the sound of Code Kunst's 'Rain Bird' bled through the speakers at a quiet volume.

"♪Clouds dominate the weather forecast. When tears of depression fall like rain- not even an umbrella could save me~♪"

Yoongi sat idly over at the register, sneaking glances over at the younger as he bopped and swayed- a habit of his when feeding the little swimmers- singing along quietly. Jimin could feel the older's eyes on him, no longer dismissing it as a trick of the mind. The older stared and stared as much as he liked.
That is until Jimin spun and caught him red handed. Then the older would drift his eyes about the room, fixing the orange beanie on his mop of hair and adjusting his gold rimmed glasses.

"♪The reflection of myself in the mirror beneath my feet. Even when I stare at something, even when I blink like the windscreen wipers. I want to continue holding on.♪"

Jimin went on his tip toes to knock a few fish flakes into the beta tanks, smiling when the bright, abba-cerulean blue one danced its young and sweet self up for a bite.

And then Yoongi's eyes were back on him- scrolling on his phone through whatever media. Not even sparing a look at any of the posts on the screen.
The brunet turned his head, mouth curling when he once again feigned obliviousness to look out at the car wash windows.

"Min." Jimin sang.

"Huh?" The older's eyes snapped back to him, giving him a once over. The junior crossed his arms and pouted.

"How come I'm doing your work while you sit on your ass." He growled- loving how Yoongi's first reaction was to smirk with a scoff. Their dynamic hadn't changed like Jimin thought it would; He was still a smart ass and the older was still a sass factory ready to deliver as soon as the brunet opened his mouth.

"Because sweetheart, I like watching you do my work for me. You're so good at it. Wow- Minie. You could work here full time." He teased, avoiding Jimin's eyes by going through his Tumblr.

"I basically, do you soggy ass prick." Jimin sighed, shaking around the fish flake can with a purposeful shckshck. "All you've done is sweep up and ogle me for a good hour."

"I- I... wasn't ogling you." Yoongi said sourly, clicking his tongue- shoulders up to his burning ears and effectively hiding his blush. "Besides I rung up all the jackasses who waltzed in to by a goldfish while it rained sea basses outside."

"♪Don't you know when rain comes down, I want to run away...♪"

"Whatever." Jimin mumbled, walking back around the loop of isles, in and out, to make sure he got every tank.

"♪Fall down~♪"
When he walked back over, Yoongi was checking his watch and all but leapt over the counter. He'd been jittery all day, growing more and more anxious with each customer until it was finally time to clock out.

He finally flipped he hanging sign in the window from the cool blue 'Open' over to the alarmingly red 'Closed'.

"Hey..." The older stretched. His shirt rode up, showing a slip of his pale tummy- Jimin couldn't help but follow the trail that went down down and under his jeans. "C'mere."
He gestured.

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