4- curly

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Josh's pov:

read at 4:25am

I groaned. A heart? Seriously? Too early. I don't even know if she's single and I'm making a move.

My best friend and band mate, Tyler walked in. He sat on the couch across from me. "What's up?" He questioned. I explained to him the whole Tori story from the Starbucks incident to the texting mishap.

"Wow dude. Seems like you've got a crush!" He teased. "What? No! I just met her and I don't even know if she's taken!" I said. I could feel myself blushing. "Joshua has a crush! Joshua has a crush!" He began to sing. "Dude stop please." I begged. He stopped singing and asked me to describe her.
"Well, she looks to be around my age and she's listened to Regional at Best," I began. "Really? No way! That's sick!" Tyler exclaimed. "Yea, and she has these beautiful blondish curls that I could get lost in. I mean, oh god she's pretty and her smile is so perfect! And her eyes and-"

Tyler cut me off. "Dude I said describe not pour your heart out."
"Sorry" I mumbled.
"Wait, are you talking about Tori Hunter??" He quickly asked.
"Yea, I mean if that's her last name."
"DUDE! SHES MY NEIGHBOR!" Tyler yelled.
"REALLY?! WE GOTTA GO OVER TO YOUR APARTMENT RIGHT NOW!" I began getting my stuff together and heading for the door.
"Not right now. You just told her to sleep remember? Wait until you see her in the morning." Tyler advised.
"Ok, ok" I grumbled."
"Anyways I'm heading home. G'night."
I climbed into bed excited to see her again and tell her that she lived next to my best friend. I was mostly excited for the plans I had for her. I just hope she'll like it.

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