Chapter 1

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Grabbing my backpack I swing it over my shoulder and turn to find my sister standing at my door.

"Madison," I startle, clutching my bag strap tighter.

"Can I get a ride with you?" she asks.

With a nod, I usher her out of my room and walk down the stairs where my dad is waiting for us. He takes the first day of school off every year just to keep track of us.

"You're late," he barks.

Grabbing Madison by the arm, I haul her outside to my jeep. It's pretty hot so I've left the doors and roof off. Madison climbs into the passenger seat but dad bellows from the porch.

"Back seat Madison and don't you drive fast," he warns me.

"I won't," I reply with a frown to my little sister. Once she's secure in the back, I pull out of the drive slowly. Dad is an instructor in the local police academy, he was on patrol for years then SWAT and now he's in the academy. Mom is a detective so she works crazy hours, leaving Madison and I to deal with dad.

"You okay?" I ask looking in my review mirror at her. She gives a nod but doesn't look at me. Pulling over to the curb, I glance back at her. "Come on, hop in," I grin. I see the indecision on her face and grab her hand, pulling gently until she smiles, and climbs into the front. She's fourteen and well able to be in the front seat.

"Thanks," she says.

Pulling off down the street, I drive the five minutes to my best friend's house. He's crazy, actually his whole family are nuts but they're tight as hell. I beep the horn while Madison climbs into the back again.

"Keep your knickers on," Rory shouts out his front door. "Come on Anto you little fecker," he shouts over his shoulder as he leaves the house. Rory and his family moved here two years ago from Ireland and at first I was a little confused when he spoke but now I understand him. Siobhan, Rory's little sister runs out the open front door, speeding by him and jumping into the jeep next to Madison.

"Hey Mason," she greets.

"Hey," I look back, confused.

"Can ye drop these little c*#ts at school," Rory asks when climbs into the front. Yeah, he called his younger siblings c*#ts but it's not how we here in America would use the word. It's actually used as a term of endearment in the McBride house, well depending on the situation. I remember the first time I heard him use it I almost choked. His mom was unpacking groceries when we walked into the kitchen. They began talking but it was really fast and I had a hard time keeping up back then.

"The shop was packed," his mom said with scowl.

"Oh yeah," Rory replied unconcerned.

"They didn't even put the shopping in the right bags, who puts tins of peas in with eggs?" she sighed, shaking her head.

"Stupid c*#ts," he replied shaking his own head. "What can I say ma, damn yanks," he said then threw a grin at me.

"Hey," I scoffed but he started to laugh. Since then I've become accustomed to the McBride dynamics.

"Where's that little fecker," he grumbles. "Anto," he roars. Anthony (Anto) runs out of the house, slamming the door behind him. I watch him jump into the jeep then start the engine. He's starting high school this year and clearly he's been in the bathroom primping.

"For fuck sake, you smell like a whore's handbag," Rory complains making me burst out laughing. Steering the car out of the street I turn toward the middle school for my sister and Siobhan. Anthony just grunts from the back seat, Ignoring Rory's comment. The line to get into the middle school is hella long so the girls decide to jump out.

"Be careful," I call to Madison. She just nods but doesn't smile at me. I watch until they enter the gates then pull away from the curb.

"What's up with the skin and blister?" Rory asks.

Skin and Blister? Yeah the first time I heard that expression I was lost but he means sister.

"No idea," I reply with a frown. Madison is usually bubbly and just as chatty as Siobhan. "Maybe it's first day blues," I shrug. We pull into the senior parking lot of the high school and Rory grins at our parking spaces. Every year the school designates the seniors with their own spot and we can decorate it for the year, within reason of course.

"Check this shit out," Rory grins at our handy paint job.

He swapped spots with another student so we could be next to each other even though he refuses to drive. "I'm not driving on the wrong side of the road," he scoffed when he first arrived but since then I've let him take the jeep out a few times.

"Looks cool," Anthony says.

"Thanks," I grin.

My spot is on the left and it starts with a giant American flag that looks like it crashes into the asphalt then goes under the ground coming out on the other side in Rory's spot as an Irish flag. I can't take any credit for the design it was all him and his mad skills at art. We have a few other things going on in the background but that's the main picture.

"Hey, let me know if any of these idiots talk shite to ye," he tells to his brother.

"Alright," Anthony replies then strolls off with a swagger only a fifteen year old can have.

"Look at that little shit," Rory says with a grin full of pride.

"Yeah," I chuckle.

We walk into the school making our way to the senior lockers. Everyone that passes us greet him like he's some kind of famous movie star but he's never rude or mean. He says hello to everyone and I mean everyone. Rory is talker, me, I'm more of the laid back silent type of this friendship.

"So senior year," he sighs when we reach our lockers.

"It is," I reply.

"You gonna get your balls wet this year," he cackles at me.

Shanking my head I choose to ignore his remark while I add some books to the empty locker. "Ah come on, that was funny," he looks at me.

"Hilarious," I deadpan.

"Ah for fuck sake," he says through his teeth.

Swiveling my head I look as Steven Bishop approaches us. I must amend my earlier statement, Rory gets along with everyone, except Bishop. They seem to rub each other the wrong way.

"Hey Mason," Steven says.

"Bishop," I nod as I slam the locker door. Rory just grunts as he passes me without saying anything. I can't help my laughter as I follow him to our first class.

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