Chapter 15

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I park the jeep on the street and climb out. It's still early but mom's car pulls in behind me.

"Only getting home?" she teases.

"Yes," I smile. She knows I went to the party and stayed with Rory.

"Are you hung over," she questions.

"No," I laugh. "I didn't drink or do drugs, imagine," I grin.

"Then what's with the crazy smile," she teases me.

"Nothing," I shrug.

"I hope you used protection Mason," she calls after me out in the driveway.

"Mom! Jeez," I stomp back to her. "I didn't have sex either."

Her eyebrow arches and she folds her arms while staring me down. Pulling out my phone, I take a quick glance around to make sure my dad isn't watching us. Leaning against the car I show her the picture of Ruby and me last night.

"Mason," she gasps, pulling my phone out of my hand. "She's pretty," she smiles at me.

"Yeah she is," I agree.

"I've never seen her before is she new in school?" mom asks.

"No, she goes to Sand Brook," I shrug.

"Get in," mom nods to her car.

"I have to mow the lawn."

"Get into the car now," she tells me in her detective voice. I climb inside her car and look at all the equipment. I'd forgotten what the interior of her work car looked like. She drives us to the local diner and we grab a booth in the corner. "I want all the juicy gossip and leave nothing out, except the sex," she grins.

"Mom," I groan. "Last night was the first time we hung out."

"Really?" she asks looking shocked. She waves her hand so I hand over my phone again. "Can I?"

"Eh, yeah," I look at her confused.

"You're eighteen Mason, I'm not going to snoop in your personal stuff unless I have reason to believe that you're doing drugs or getting mixed up with the wrong crowd," she smiles. I watch her look at the photo, "wow I really thought you were together for a while. You guys look so comfortable together."

"I know mom, it felt that way too," I sigh.

We order breakfast and I spill my guts to my mom about Ruby and how we met. She thinks it's funny at first then says that maybe it was fate. I'm not sure if I believe all that but I'd like to think that Ruby picking me as her fake boyfriend means something. Mom and I are having a good time talking. It's been ages since I actually sat down with her. My phone vibrates on the table when dad calls.

"Hi babe, he's with me," mom answers. I watch as she rolls her eyes. "He knows," she sighs. "Because," she snaps. "I'll see you at home I'm having breakfast with my son." Mom hangs up the phone and I slide it into my pocket.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," she nods. "I'll handle it."

The mood has changed and mom is now stressed and not eating.

"I'm sorry," she sighs.

"It's okay, I should probably get the lawns done anyway before it gets too hot," I smile. Mom nods and waves for the check, when the waitress arrives she smiles at me and gives me a little finger wave. Mom smiles but I just snatch the check from the table. After I pay, even though I get my money from my parents, mom gives me a quick hug.

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