Chapter 33

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The last class of today sucked, we had a pop quiz. Changing out my books, I hook my bag over my shoulders. Ever since Bret and I talked he's been pretty nice to deal with. His attitude has changed with me and mine with him. He even saw me at the bus stop last Saturday and stopped for me. He brought me to the mall so that I could leave in applications in as many stores as possible, twenty-eight in total. The bus ride home was scary though.

Pushing through the main door I gather my jacket around me against the cold. Glancing at my phone I hover over my last text with Mason. He stopped replying to me last Monday, which hurt more than I thought possible. Not having him in my life is like losing a limb. I never knew how much I depended on him until he was gone. In the short time we were together I never felt more loved or wanted but I threw it away out of fear and stupidity.

"Hey." Snapping my head up, I almost run into Cassidy. "I don't know where you live so I had to come here."

"Hey Cass," I smile, god I've missed her too.

"Got a sec?"

Nodding my head I walk with her to her car. We climb inside but don't go anywhere.

"So listen Ruby, I don't know what all happened with you and Mason but he's been sad for the last two weeks. He doesn't even laugh anymore," she looks at me and my heart crumbles. "I'm not here to find out the details that's between you two but there's a dance tomorrow night. It's on every year and it's a tribute to our football team, I know Mason is up for an award."

"Okay," I look at her.

"I want you to come Ruby, he would really love to see you there, I know it."

"Has he said anything," I whisper.

"No, he doesn't talk anymore," she looks at me and I nod. It hurts to know that I've caused him so much pain.

"He won't want to see me Cass, I pushed him away," I look out of the window.

"Ruby, we both know that you and Mason love each other. You're good together, we all saw how he changed with you. He smiled more and actually came to parties," she laughs a little. "Now, he's not even like he used to be."

"Thanks," I sigh.

"I'm not trying to make you feel guilty. I'm trying to make you happy again and Mason, please come tomorrow."

"I don't have dresses for dances Cassidy, I've always borrowed Jade's. I'm too poor to even afford food," I laugh sarcastically. "I've spent two weeks trying to get a job and find somewhere to live."

"To live?" she looks at me confused.

"Yeah Cass, I'm eighteen now and the checks stopped so my foster mom is kicking me out."

"Oh, Ruby," she gasps. "You should have said. We could have helped you, Jesus," she swats my arm. Cassidy shakes her head at me. "Is that why you broke up?"

"Sort of," I reply. "I just don't want him tied to me Cassidy. I'm not going to college and he is. He has an amazing life in front of him."

"You don't know that, what if he dies in a crash tomorrow?"

"Cassidy," I gasp. "Don't say that."

"Would you still feel that pushing him away was a good idea?"

"No," I sigh.

"Well there's your answer. I'll pick you up after school tomorrow and don't give me shit about a dress you've seen my closet."

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