Chapter 11

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"I'm surprised," Rory says once we pull away from the small hardware store.


"Why, a chick like her would make up a boyfriend. Did you see that one ass that talked to her," he makes air quotes around the word. "Totally wants her."

"Yeah right," I scoff then check myself but nothing gets past Rory McBride.

"Damn, look at you," he laughs. "You totally want her don't you?"

"Fuck off," I grumble. He continues to laugh at me all the way back to the middle school but if I'm being honest, yes I do want to get to know Ruby. She's beautiful and seems like she's a nice girl. I feel bad that she has no one to hang out with anymore so that's why I invited her to the party.

"Did she say about the party?" Rory asks.

"No, I left my number," I shrug like it's no big deal. I park at the curb and wait for Madison and Siobhan.

"So what did she say about using your name?" he asks.

I explain what went down at her school and he nods as I speak. After a while he frowns and opens his Facebook.

"She's cute, did you friend her?" he asks.

"No, idiot. Haven't I been driving," I sigh. Pulling out my phone I go his page and hesitate when I see her. I don't want my dad busting my balls about her but I'm friend's with a few girls from school and he hasn't really mentioned them, well not since they first popped up on my page.

"Just do it you chicken shit," Rory tells me.

"Fine," I press her name then send the request. "Shit, now I feel like a stalker."

"Don't be a tool. It's not as if she's minging," he shrugs.

"Minging?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Yeah, you know, a gowl, ugly," he explains.

I really don't know but I'll take his word for it. Madison and Siobhan finally arrive so I drive them to a diner in town. Madison sits beside me and we order dinner because I'm not in the mood to eat at home. Soon enough Rory has us all laughing and the time just slips by. Madison is having a good time and I smile down at her. Both our phones beep at the same time.

Dad: where are you?

"I'll reply," Madison says. She texts back that we are eating and will be home soon. I don't bother to read what he is replying because I'm sure I'll hear all about it when I get home. "Dad wants me to go see a movie with him," she tells me.

"Cool, what you going to see?" I ask.

"Don't know, can you drop me at the theater he is on the way," she asks.

I pay for our dinner and we pile in the jeep, I notice that Siobhan has gotten really quiet, which is nothing like her at all. I'm pretty sure that kid talks in her sleep. When I pull up at the theater my dad is already waiting for us.

"Hi dad," Madison says climbing out.

"What are you doing tonight," he asks me.

"Just hanging out with Rory," I reply.

"Hey Mr. Baker, looking sharp," Rory tells my dad who just looks confused.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Siobhan waves to Madison and I frown. I'm pretty sure they were supposed to hang out tonight. My dad surprises the shit out of me when he offers Siobhan to join them for the movie.

"Really?" she says, jumping out of the jeep. "Rory tell ma and da," she shouts at him.

"Oi," he calls her back and slips her twenty dollars. "Be good and don't fucking talk during the whole movie," he teases.

"Shut up," she shoves him back then runs off.

"Did that just happen?" I ask.

"Yeah," he snorts.

Turning the jeep around I drive home to shower. Rory hangs out playing my Xbox until I'm done then I join him. We keep shoving each other and he calls me every name he can but I just return the affection.

"Ah fuck," he throws the controller away after I kick his ass again.

"Sore loser," I cough.

"Did sexy Ruby text ye?"

"Not yet," I glance at my phone, it's 6:45pm. I flip on the TV in my room just to crate some noise while we wait.

"Are you really going to the party," he asks.

"Sure," I shrug.

"You can stay at mine tonight," he offers.

"Thanks," I sigh, leaning back on my bed. By the time 7:30pm rolls around, I'm bummed that she hasn't called so Rory and I take off to Cassidy's house. It's already packed and the music is loud when we arrive.

"Thought it was at eight?" I sigh.

"Listen, if you don't want to go we can do something else," he looks at me.

"No, it's fine," I reply and park the jeep down the block.

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