Chapter 30

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"So, where's Ruby tonight," Madison asks when we leave the diner.

"At home," I reply, opening the door for her.

"Do you love her?"

"Why are you asking that," I question with a sigh.

"Why are you so moody," she says back.

Pulling out of the parking lot, I ignore both of her questions.

"Mason, what's wrong?"

"Nothing Madison, I'm tired and I have homework to do," I reply.

When we arrive home I grab a soda and close my bedroom door. Ruby hasn't answered any of my calls in the past hour and I'm worried. Pulling my textbook across the desk I read the few chapters for class tomorrow. I keep glancing up to the painting that Ruby gave to me so I can see her pretty face. Grabbing my phone I try her again throwing it down when she doesn't answer.

"Fuck it." Leaving my room, I run down the stairs passing my dad.

"Where are you going," he calls.

"Rory's," I call back closing the door. In the jeep, I text him to cover for me, and jump on the freeway, I know he's out with Cass tonight so it shouldn't be a problem. Pulling up outside of Ruby's house I notice it's in darkness. Locking the jeep, I step up to her door and knock hard. I don't hear any movement so I knock again and call her phone. The door opens a little and one eye is visible.

"Mason," she says. "What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in?" I ask moving toward the door. "I've been calling baby."

"I know," she whispers.

My heart rate spikes because she hasn't opened the door to me and knows I've been calling. "Is everything okay?" I ask.


"Ruby," I lean against the doorframe. "Open the door babe," I ask gently.

Her eye looks up at me while the rest of her face is hidden by the darkness, using my fingers I slowly push the door. She doesn't resist and I finally get to see her, dressed in pajamas. "Hey." She just looks at me and I feel panic rising. Is something going on here with that guy her mom dates. Stepping into the house I close the door and reach for her. She steps back and I jerk to a stop.

"Okay, you're freaking me out Ruby, what's going on here?"

"Nothing, you didn't have to come," she rubs her face. "I'm fine."

"Why didn't you answer my calls then?"

She sighs heavily not looking at me, "look, this was a mistake. I never should have kept it going, the fake boyfriend thing. You should go," she says stunning me. Opening the door she waits with her head down.

"Are you...are we...what are you saying?" I ask stupidly.

"Please go Mason and forget you ever met me," she whispers.

"No," I shake my head. Moving closer I try to take her face in my hands but she moves away. Blinking, I look down at her. "Ruby, what are you saying?" She presses her hand against my arm shoving me out of the house and the door slams in my face.

"Ruby," I bang on it. "What the fuck is going on?" I ask. She doesn't answer though. "Baby please what is going on, tell me," I call out again. After thirty minutes of silence I finally leave, driving back home. Closing my bedroom door I ignore my family as the last hour starts to sink in.

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