Chapter 7

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"What's up," Rory asks when he jumps into the jeep.

"Nothing," I shrug. He asks about Madison and I tell him mom kept her home from school today and that she is going to meet the principle of the middle school.

"Shite, your ma is crazy," he laughs.

I just shrug because I can't dispute it, my mom is crazy all right, and I pity the middle school principle about now. When we pull into the parking lot I slip out of the jeep with a sigh. My body is tight from practice yesterday and dad had me stressed all night wondering if he was going to come into my room but he didn't.


I turn to watch Kullen jog up to me with one of his stupid ass grins.

"What's up," I ask when he reaches us.

"Dude you fucking dark horse," he thumps me on the shoulder and I frown at him.

"What are you talking about," I question as I continue to walk. Kullen just laughs at me while shaking his head.

"What the fuck is wrong with him?" Rory asks.

"No idea," I reply, shaking my head. Pushing through the doors of Crafton high school is generally an uneventful experience until today. "Whoa," I mutter. Every face the hall is looking at us.

"Is this the fucking twilight zone?" Rory barks at everyone. "What the..." he trails off as we move to our lockers. A few girls walk by us and Rory greets them but they don't respond.

"What the hell is going on?" I whisper to him.

"Fucked if I know," he grunts.

Opening my locker I deposit my books and grab what I need for this mornings classes. Samantha is walking down the hall toward us with a fierce scowl on her crazy face.

"Mason," she says with a glare.

"Samantha," I mutter still noticing the strange looks from people.

"When were you going to tell me," she questions, crossing her arms at her chest and cocking her leg.

"Tell you what exactly?"

"About your fucking girlfriend," she shouts.

I look at her pissed off expression as a rumble makes it way up my chest before exiting my mouth in a loud crazy laugh. "Yeah okay," I say to her. I don't mention that I don't have a girlfriend or that I'm not technically allowed to date because she doesn't need to know any personal shit about me.

"It's all over Twitter, Mason. Who is she," she taps her foot at me.

"Seriously Samantha, since when do I owe you an explanation? We never dated or made out or anything," I say to her a little pissed off.

"Asshole," she glares before walking away.

I turn to my locker to close it and sigh. Rory is on his phone scrolling but glances up at me.

"We have a problem," he hisses. I follow him outside to the benches and I swiftly pull out my phone.

"What?" I ask as I open my unused Twitter account.

RuG: @prima_ballerina new #boyfriend so HOT @MasonB #kiss #missmybestie

"What the fuck?" I growl. "Who is this chick?"

"No idea," Rory grunts then sucks in a breath. "Wow these people are fucking crazy."

"What people?" I ask looking at his screen. I see all the horrible names that the girl RuG is being called and frown.

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