Chapter 17

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The house was tense on Sunday, my mom was hung over, and her friend, Reggie, was being a complete creeper. He watched me all day as I moved around the kitchen tidying up. Once I was done I locked myself in my room for the day. Monday was weird too, not at home but in school. During lunch I sat to my usual table but I received a few texts from Daniel telling me to come sit with him. I declined because I wasn't sure what was happening. Tuesday, he walked past his friends and sat down in Jade's chair. He smiled and we ate our lunch together.

Wednesday was even weirder, Daniel sat with me again, but this time two other guys joined us, and their girlfriends. I've never wanted to sit with the football players or the cheerleaders. I mean I said hello to some of them but we were never friends like that. Yesterday, the whole of Daniel's former lunch table arrived at mine. Most of the cafeteria sat in shocked silence while the 'popular' kids sat all around me.

"So," Olivia says taking a seat next to me on the bench. "You and Daniel huh? You finally ditched that sexy Crafton guy," she smiles.

"Daniel and I are friends and no, Mason and I are good," I lie because I haven't heard a word from him all week and it's been bumming me out.

"Oh really, so I guess you'll be supporting him tonight at his first game of the season?' she questions.

"Um..." I can feel my cheeks flame and I look away. "I don't have a car," I mumble.

"Ruby," Olivia cries. Turning back to face her I swallow hard wondering what she will come out with next. "I'll drive you," she smiles sweetly.


"I'll take you to see your boyfriend," she shrugs then leaves the locker room.

Once I'm changed, I make my way to the track and begin my jog. I'm not sure what to make of Olivia's offer but it would be nice to see Mason and have a chance to explain to his face about all those photos that cropped up on facebook. I won't deny it, I look like I'm making out with Daniel in the most recent one, which has me second guessing Olivia's offer because I'm sure she's behind it. Probably in an attempt to get Daniel back but guilt is still gripping me even though Mason and I aren't really official, I just feel wrong.

"Hey," Daniel says as he starts to jog beside me.

"Oh, hi," I reply.

"So," he starts and we jog a bit more. I'm wondering why he isn't with the rest of the team on the grass. "Do you have plans tonight?"

"Oh, actually I do," I tell him. I'm still a little apprehensive about Olivia but I really do want to talk to Mason.

"Oh, okay then how about tomorrow?"

"I'll let you know," I reply with a slight cringe. Daniel just smiles then winks at me before he runs back to practice. I catch Olivia watching me but she doesn't look annoyed just thoughtful and that scares me. After my shower, I dress, and walk back to my last class. I'm nervous about seeing Mason but only because I'm not sure if I want Olivia witnessing our fake breakup or whatever.

"So ready to go," she asks after class. I'm switching books out from my locker and she appears next to me.

"Right now?" I question.

"Yeah, duh. We need to eat first," she scoffs at me like I should have known this. Closing my locker I follow her out to her sports car. She and her two friends, Carrie and Beth look like they've just stepped off a runway while I look like a hot mess in my denim skirt, sandals, and my purple tank top. I climb into the back of the car, clutching my backpack to my chest. Beth sits in the back too but she doesn't speak to me.

"What are we eating?" Olivia asks.

"Not pizza," Carrie says with a hard look at me. "I think we should do Berts," she shrugs then applies lips gloss. Olivia pulls onto the road and I sink lower in the seat. When we arrive at the pricy restaurant I feel even poorer than I did five minutes ago. The host greets each of them by name taking us to their 'usual' table. I slide closest to the wall to hide myself and grip the menu tightly. The prices are outrageous, fifteen dollars for a burger and fries. Ten dollars for a salad, and forty dollars for a bit of fish.

"What are you having Ruby," Olivia asks.

"I'm not sure, I'm not really hungry," I lie, again.

"They have a kids menu if you want a smaller portion," Carrie tells me with a snicker. "Or you can have my left overs," she mumbles.

When the waiter arrives I order the burger and fries and a coke, I have money I just don't want to spend it. I eat in silence while they talk about hot guys and who on Crafton High's team they think is the hottest.

"Mason, for sure," Beth says like it's obvious.

"Beth," Olivia scolds her.

"Oh, sorry Ruby," Beth tells me.

"That's okay, he is the hottest guy on the team," I agree. Beth smiles at me and I see it's genuine. I know I'm part of some game tonight but at this moment I don't care, I just want to see him again. After dinner we pile back into Olivia's car again, she speeds down the freeway making my hair fly all over the place. When we pull into Crafton High School my nerves threaten to bring back up my expensive burger. Gripping my bag, I pull out my hairbrush and tame my hair into something presentable. I don't have a hair tie so it's down. We walk through the gates to find seats near the tunnel, there are so many people here.

"So did you text him?" Olivia asks.

"No, I want to surprise him," I reply.

She smiles at me then the band starts to play loudly and the cheerleaders run onto the sidelines. A few minutes later the team runs out to a huge ear splitting cheer from the crowd. I watch the players and gasp at how professional they look in their black uniforms, with red names and numbers on the back. They also have a red bulldog over the left chest.

"Hot damn," Carrie says.

My eyes scan the group of guys quickly until I see Baker, number twelve. He's standing with McBride, which I know is Rory. They are leaning close while they talk but never once look into the crowd. I watch the cheerleaders in their equally beautiful black and red uniforms. I notice that girl Samantha smile at Mason a few times as she jumps around showing off her red spandex shorts. She waves her pom-poms in his face as she passes while laughing.

"You sure he's your boyfriend," Carrie says snidely.

I don't reply because he's not actually my boyfriend and I'm curious to know if he is even still a friend. We watch the game while joining in with the cheering crowds. Carrie is monitoring the cheerleaders' routine but I'm just watching number twelve. Mason throws a touchdown for the win and everyone rushes the field.

"Come on," Olivia says, dragging me with her. I trip over the bleachers and stumble onto the grass but she doesn't stop until she muscles her way into the crowd towing me behind. The cheerleaders are jumping all over Mason and kissing his cheeks while Rory is trying to bat them away like flies.

"Back up," Rory says with an annoyed tone. Using his helmet he makes a path directly toward where Olivia and I are standing.

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