Chapter 22

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All week school and practice has been hard. Coach rode us hard today getting us ready for next weeks' game. Gripping my helmet's face guard I run off the field as fast as I can to shower.

"What's up your ass," Rory shouts after me but I ignore him. Coach ran late today with a 'pep' talk. Throwing my helmet inside my locker, I quickly strip down and dash to the showers.

"Hey is your arse on fire?" Rory says when he comes in.

"No I told Ruby I'd pick her up at seven," I reply, allowing the lukewarm spray to hit my face.

"Oh yeah, you're hot date," he chuckles. "You want me and Cass to come too?"

"Fuck off," I laugh. Turning off the water, I quickly dry myself and leave him to shower. My body is still hot from practice but I don't care time is not on my side right now.

"Whoa, what's the rush Baker," Kullen laughs as I pass him on my way out.

"Got a date," I call as I run out of the building. I shoot off a quick text to Ruby telling her I'm running late. I swear the world is against me right now because the freeway is crawling. I could probably walk faster at this stage, I inch the jeep up a little further and grip the wheel so tight that my knuckles are white.

"Come on," I groan. I can't even think straight in this chaos, we crawl along for another twenty minutes then I come upon the accident. I hate seeing car crashes it always reminds me of my mom and what she deals with at work. Veering around the crash site I finally put a little pressure on the pedal and take the next exit, when I pull up outside her house I check the time. "Fuck."

Knocking on the door I'm not sure who's going to answer but I'm not expecting the pretty woman that does.

"Hi is Ruby home?" I ask knowing she is. She waves me inside so I step into the dark house. A quick glance reveals sparse furniture and a not very clean home. Turning back, I notice the woman watching me in the mirror as she applies her red lipstick. Her skirt is very short and I refuse to look down again.

"Are you going to stare all night or go up to her room?" she asks arching her eyebrow.

"Okay," I reply then take off up the stairs. I've no idea, which room is hers but I knock on the first door I come too. The front door slams, making the place rattle but the room door swings open and Ruby looks surprised.

"Hi," she glances around me.

"Oh your mom let me up," I tell her.

"Really?" she looks unsure.

"Yes, really," I laugh. "She went out, just now."

"I heard," Ruby says and motions me inside her room.

Like the rest of the house the furniture is hardly worth burning but the room is clean and neat. Ruby looks at me then picks up a jacket.

"Ready?" she asks.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry I'm late, coach went over and there's an accident on the freeway," I sigh. Ruby just smiles at me and I pull her close to kiss her hello.

"Finally," she smiles.

"Sorry," I chuckle. "I'm just a bit stressed about being late," I admit. "Do you have a curfew?"

"Yeah, sunrise," she smiles at me. "She doesn't care," Ruby says of her mom. I feel bad for her because as much as I hate my dads strictness I'd rather have him than not.

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