Chapter 31

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I watch Mason and Rory walk away knowing how this will play out. My heart hurts but it's for the best. I walk slowly back into the school toward my locker for my backpack. I purposely left it there with my phone so I wouldn't break down and call him. Students mill around me while I twist the combination lock on my locker.

"Walk with me," Bret says. His heavy arm drapes over my shoulders and he steers me to the back of the building and through the emergency exit. We walk in silence to the football field and then he leads me under the old wooden bleachers to a spot that looks as if it's often used. Plastic crates are set around in a circle, with two cinder blocks in between. "Don't tell anyone about this place," he winks.

"Why would I?" I ask.

"Have a seat Rubes," he motions to one of the makeshift chairs. Choosing a crate I sit down. Bret sits across from me leaning his elbows on his knees. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Bret," I reply on a heavy sigh.

"You don't look okay Ruby or sound okay," he says to me. "I'm sorry about the store closing down and the old man passing away."

"I'm fine Bret this is nothing to do with Mr. Tistle's death," I look at him.

"I'm a good listener Ruby, I know I don't act that way but I am," he smiles.

I just smile a small fake smile for him and mess with the hem of my sweater. My emotions are too raw to feel anything right now.

"You and Baker break up?" he asks.

I shrug.

"He looked like he was begging you," he says quietly and I look up at him. "Yeah, sorry the whole cafeteria was watching."

"Great," I sigh.

"Was it about where you live?" he questions.

"What? What do you mean where I live."

"Remember a few weeks ago you tore across the street from the cove," he asks and I nod. "I almost hit you Ruby, that was me. I followed you home you scared the shit out of me," he admits.

I'm not sure what to say now. Bret knows where I live, will he tell everyone?

"It's a pretty shitty neighborhood," he continues.

"Yeah," I agree. "Doesn't matter anymore," I tell him as tears gather in my eyes again. He moves closer to me rubbing my back. "I broke up with Mason," I admit. "He's better without me."

"I know you think I'm sexy an all but..." he says and I shake my head at him. "I think he really likes you."

"I know he does but I can't drag him down with me," I cry.

"I'm not sure what's happening but he's not better than you Ruby, you're actually the only decent girl in this whole school. I mean you work hard and you're good at art."

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"I'll tell you a secret if you tell me one," he winks.


"Mr. Harrison is my uncle," he grins.

"Really?" I ask. He nods.

"Your turn."

"I love Mason," I whisper.

"I already know that so it doesn't count," he laughs. "Everyone can see the way you've changed over the last few months."

"I'm...or was in foster care," I look at him.

"Why, was?"

"It was my birthday on Saturday, I turned eighteen. Mason and his friends had this party," I choke up. "They even bought me gifts, no has ever bought me gifts before. But my foster mom got me the best gift of all, two months to find somewhere to live. I don't want to ruin Mason's life, Bret. He's going to college for football and I'm going nowhere."

Bret hugs me while I cry, wondering how I just spilled my guts to Bret Lewis of all people.

"I'm sorry you're going through this Ruby that totally blows," he sighs.


"But like I said he's not better than you Rubes and I don't see how you being in foster care will bring him down. You love him, does he love you or is know," he clears his throat.


Bret's face turns red, "is it just about the sex with him?"

"What, no!" I feel my own face flame while Bret clears his throat.

"I just wanted to make sure," he says. "If you love each other then why don't you just let him help you? There's no point hurting anymore than you have to Rubes," he looks at me.

"Are you sure you're really Bret Lewis?" I ask with a small smile.

"I know, I'm the shit," he grins. "You totally missed out on all this," he flexes his biceps making me laugh. "Let's grab some food, I know you didn't eat." He stands up. I follow him out of his secret hideaway to his truck and we climb inside. I'm glad I talked with someone but I'm not convinced that me staying with Mason is the best thing for him. Bret sings along to country music as he drives to Main Street, I didn't know he liked country music and this new Bret is not as bad as I'd originally thought.

"What will it be Ruby?" he asks pulling into the drive thru.

"A burger is fine, I'm not hungry. I forgot my purse," I gasp.

"Chill Rubes, I got you," he tells me. He orders our food and we drive to the cove to eat.

"I'll pay you back," I tell him.

"Okay," he smiles. Taking my food I eat slowly, watching the waves. My eyes drift to the rocks where Mason and I hung out. Bret doesn't talk to me while we eat and I'm glad for the silence, the radio still plays country music and he hums a few bars every now and then. After lunch he drives us back to school. A few people see me exiting his truck but he tells me to ignore them.

"Thank you Bret," I tell him when we reach my locker.

"No problem but remember, no spilling my secret," he gives me a stern look then grins.

"I won't," I smile. Pulling out my purse I take out my last ten dollars. Holding it out to him he just looks away. "Bret, take it."

"Tell you what, you can buy the next lunch when we skip class," he winks. "See you around Rubes." He says then takes off down the hall.

After school I walk to the bank to withdraw some money. The walk to Jade's house feels weird because it's been so long since I've come over. When I reach the garden, Mrs. Darnell is pulling out of the garage. She stops and rolls down her window.

"Hi Ruby," she smiles.

"Hi, I just came to pay for my phone," I tell her. "Can I give you a few months in advance?"

"Of course," she smiles at me.

"Thanks," I hand her the envelope. She gives me a tight smile then says she has to go. "Okay, bye," I wave and wait for her to pull out of the drive. I walk back to my house slowly spotting the pick up truck in the garden. Opening the door, I smell that foul stench and hightail it to my room, locking my door. Climbing onto my bed, I pull out the free magazines I grabbed on my way through town. One for jobs, one for apartments, and the last for cheap cars. I've no clue about used cars but I've no choice, I need to get a job and a place to live.

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