Chapter 6

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By the time I make it home I'm tired, sore, and hungry. The house is dark save for the small orange glow of the lamp in the sitting room.

"Hey, I'm home," I call out when I enter. No one answers me though which is not unusual. Peeking into the sitting room, I frown at empty room. Moving to the kitchen I find a note from my mom telling me she is working a double tonight and there are left overs in the fridge. Dropping the note, I open the fridge but all I find is a sandwich and a cookie.

"I guess that's dinner," I sigh pulling it out. Bringing the food to my room I lock the door behind myself. I have some reading to do for school but I really want to talk to Jade. Flipping open the laptop that she donated to me two years ago, I scroll through her Facebook to see if she has posted anything. The only recent thing is a picture of the view from her room at Julliard, a brick wall. I add a comment and smiley face laughing at her. Nibbling on the soggy sandwich I decide I might as well figure out this Mason situation. I do a search for him but I only get a private page with no access. Switching to Twitter, I try there but it's too hard to find people on this.

Prima_Ballerina: @RuG new #boyfriend go girl love you #missmybestie #kisskiss

I smile at Jades tweet from earlier and reply.

RuG: @prima_ballerina new #boyfriend so HOT @MasonB #kiss #missmybestie

Shaking my head I close my twitter not thinking about the made up twitter handle for my fake boyfriend. I just hope that it will blow over soon so I can fake break up with him and get my life back on track, whatever that is. Finishing my food I slip out my clothes and into my pajamas and shove the chair up against my door to stop it from being opened while I sleep. My small bed is lumpy but right now I don't care, I'm tired and still hungry.

After a quick shower I pull on a pair of skinny jeans with a light slouchy sweater that hangs off the shoulder, the strap of my pink tank top showing. Slipping on my flats today, I wrap my hair into a messy topknot. I have mascara and gloss and that's the extent of my makeup collection. Jade left me a few bits but it's not the same without her. Removing the chair from my door, I ease it open. The hall is dark and quiet so I step outside and lock my door.

Once I'm out of the house, I start my walk to school. It's only two miles, in the heat. Strolling along the quiet streets I keep my head down and scroll through my phone. I see a few posts from people at school that were hanging out last night but nothing exceptional. Slipping my phone into my back pocket I stick to as many shady spots as I can until I have to cross the highway via a rickety footbridge that no one except for me probably uses.

By the time I reach school, I have about twenty minutes to spare so I fix my face in the bathroom and by fix I mean splash cold water on it until the redness dies down to a soft pink. I apply my mascara and gloss, and brush out my hair, giving a small spritz of the dry shampoo that I always keep in my locker. Exiting the restroom I walk down the hall with my head slightly lowered. I'm not a social outcast or anything but I'm used to just hanging with Jade. Opening my locker I deposit the shampoo and a few books.

"Morning traitor," a voice sneers at me.

Turning around I blink at one of our football players. I've never once spoken to him before but here he is throwing insults at me.

"Excuse me?" I frown.

"You heard," he says then walks away. I notice that most of the students are glaring at me now but I'm confused. Closing my locker, I move to my first class where Daniel and Bret are already sitting down.

"Hey Rubes," Daniel says.

"Hi," I smile at him.

"Dude," Bret hisses and whacks Daniel on the shoulder. I frown at their interaction but turn away from them. People have really lost their minds or I'm missing out on something. By the time lunch rolls around I'm feeling a bit paranoid especially when I take my usual seat but no one else is at the table. I look around but no one is paying me any attention so I eat my salad. I hear a few coughs but I'm too busy scarfing down my food to pay attention until someone closer coughs and it sounds like "traitor." Lifting my head I find the whole cafeteria glaring at me.

My face blooms red as I look around the room. Daniel is the only one not glaring at me because he seems too busy on his phone but Bret, Olivia and all their crew are. My phone beeps in my bag and I quickly grab it.

Unknown: Hey Rubes. I'm really sorry L don't mind them it will blow over. D.

When I glance back up I spot Daniel looking at me with a sad expression, unable to take anymore of this weird behavior I leave the cafeteria and walk outside. Sitting under a tree in the shade I log into my bank to check if my paycheck went through and I smile when I see it did. I try not to spend too much money because I'll need it for college but still, I allow myself fifty dollars once a month to buy something nice.

Jade: hey are u there?

Me: Yes?

My phone rings immediately. "Hey," I beam.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah why? This whole school is mental," I scoff.

"Um...Rubes," Jade hedges.

"Yeah," I sigh because usually when she says my name like that I'm about to get a world famous Jade lecture.

"Have you checked Twitter today," she asks sounding strange.

"No, why? Are you okay you sound like you're crying," I ask.

I hear a sniff the she tells me to check my account. Opening the app I'm shocked to see seventy-three notifications. On a normal day I get a grand total of zero to one.

"What the hell," I mumble. Opening the page I gasp at all the nasty comments. Calling me a traitor, slut, whore.

"Rubes," Jade calls.

"What is happening?" I ask dumbly.

"I've no idea but I don't like it," she says.

"I...I really don't know Jade. I mean you and like three other people follow me," I remind her.

"Oh Ruby," she sighs.

"Don't lecture me Jade, not today," I whisper leaning my head against the tree.

"I'm not lecturing you Ruby," she replies quietly. "I just want to make sure that you're okay."

"I'm fine and I think Daniel Jones just texted me. How did he get my number?"

"I don't know Ruby, I have to go I snuck out of class. I'll call you later okay."

"Yeah, bye."

I hang up my phone then look at Twitter again unsure why I'm being attacked.

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