Chapter 8

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After my exile at school I walk home slowly. I don't have to work today so I have no choice but to go home. Although I make sure to move at a snails pace even though the heat is killing me. Pulling off my sweater, I tie it around my waist then resume my walk. The neighborhood is not the best so I'm always aware of my surroundings my phone is on vibrate, and shoved into my sock because I really don't want to get jumped for it.

When I turn down my street I curse at the sight of the rusted out pickup truck in the drive. I quickly pull on my sweater and let my hair down so I can retie it into a braid. Opening the front door I listen while holding my breath, so far it's quiet so I quickly tip-toe to the stairs and creep up. The sounds of moaning and grunting come from my mom's room, turning my stomach. Closing my door I lock it and shove the chair against it then crawl onto my bed. I don't want anyone to know that I'm here so I keep my backpack on the bed with me.

Pulling my legs up, I take out my homework and try to work through the sounds of my own live porn show. About an hour later the grunting finally stops and I have to question how that was at all possible. The handle on my door rattles and I freeze, clutching my book to my chest while I look at the door. He finally walks away and I relax only slightly. I don't dare leave this room until that pickup is gone.

Easing my phone out of my sock I check the empty screen. No calls or texts from anyone. Lying down on my bed I open my Facebook to see if I have anything new but I don't. Not even from Jade. My finger hovers over the Twitter app. What started out as an innocent, okay lie has now blown out of all proportion. The tweets are still there in cyberspace calling me nasty names but I'm not sure why. I don't communicate on Twitter except with Jade and only because she likes to be social. I like my privacy. Closing the app I open my texts.

Me: Hey, how was dance class today? I was just privy to an hour marathon porn show so there's that lol. I'm now stuck in my room until he leaves which I hope is soon. Anyway text me tonight before you go to bed.

Turning off my phone I stare at the ceiling for a while until I finally hear the engine start of the truck. My body actually deflates and I release a deep sigh. A few minutes later the front door closes and I hear my mom's heels click on the sidewalk. Taking a peek out of my window, I watch her walk down the street then lie back down. After a few more minutes of silence, I have a quick shower for school tomorrow. I tie my wet hair in rags that once was a t-shirt of mine and spritz a small amount of setting spray.

Climbing back onto my bed I pull my laptop with me and log into Jade's Netflix. She said she doesn't mind me using it because she purposely asked for her own account for her birthday so I could login. I watch two episodes of a show that I like then close it down. I hate being here, it's so boring, and lonely. Grabbing my phone I call Jade but she doesn't answer, not bothering with a message I climb under my thin covers and shut off the light.

At six my phone vibrates from under my pillow waking me up for school. My head hurts from the rags but the end result will be worth it. I have work today after school so I dress in jeans with my tennis shoes and a peach tank top. Unraveling the rags, I smile when my hair bounces in curls. Once I have them all out I lean back to gently ruffle them out. I haven't done this in almost a year but I like it. Grabbing my backpack from the bed I creep out of my room only to run into a warm body.

"Hey," my mom's revolting porn associate says.

"I have school," I mumble trying to step around his semi-naked body. He only has on a pair or boxers that don't leave anything to the imagination.

"I can drive you," he says reaching for me.

"No thanks," I run past him, down the stairs and out of the house. My body shakes with disgust as I march down the road, way too early for school. I stop at Starbucks and buy myself an iced mocha and now I have forty-five dollars to spend on myself for the rest of the month.


Turning, I glance into the car window that has pulled along side me. "Oh, hi Daniel."

"Hop in," he says leaning over to open the passenger door.

I freeze on the sidewalk unsure if this is a good idea but he rolls his eyes and tells me that he won't kill me today. I can't help but smile and climb into the air-conditioned car.

"Thanks," I tell him.

"No worries, I almost didn't recognize you," he says, flipping one of my curls.

"Oh," I smooth my hair a bit. "Just something different," I shrug.

"I like it," he smiles.

My heart pounds in my ears as I smile at him. I don't dare talk anymore though, not after what happened the other day and my fake boyfriend Mason B. I never did check Crafton high school. Sipping my drink, I pull out my phone and discretely open their school page. I work fast and use my cup to shield the screen from Daniel. Clicking on the football page I see the team roster and photos of practices and a few games.

"What are you drinking," Daniel asks, startling me.

"Iced mocha," I reply, a little squeaky.

"Cool," he nods.

Turning back to my phone I press on Mason Baker's name and wait until a new page opens. My eyes pop out when I realize the giant pile of crap I just put myself in. There staring at me is Crafton High School's starting QB with his handsome face and his light hazel eyes that match his black hair.

What did I do!

Once Daniel parks his car I dive out shouting a quick thanks to him. Bret looks shocked to see me but then scowls as I rush past him gulping down my drink. Okay, Ruby...get it together. I give myself a pep talk, I can't believe I've been so stupid I wanted to pick a no name third string player but no...damn Bret Lewis anyway for making me panic. Trashing my empty cup I make quick work of my locker and walk to my class. I don't care how early I am I just need to sit down and hide.

Opening my phone again, I stare at the handsome face before me. No wonder Olivia called me a liar! She obviously knows what this Mason guy looks like and I'm sure as hell he is probably dating an equally gorgeous girl. What guy would pick me over the likes of Olivia especially when they look that hot! Closing my phone, I slouch into my chair and close my eyes.

What have you done?

I question my sanity once more, okay, lots more, hopefully no one from our school actually knows this guy except that he's a Bulldog and we hate them.

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