Chapter 2

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Senior year already. I walk slowly to my locker hiking the strap of my too heavy bag on my shoulder. It's weird being here now without Jade, my best friend. The halls seem emptier without her but I plaster on my fake smile as I move through the throngs of students. A few look my way with curious expressions, like there's something different about me.

Yeah that would be my left side is empty. No crazy laugh to catch the attention of guys. No whispered gossip to keep me entertained as I walk to my locker. No weird fashion statements; no Jade. I'm sad that she's gone but I'm also so proud of her, she worked really hard since she was three years old. She never gave up on her dream and it finally paid off this year. Jade is a hardcore ballet dancer and she is now in Julliard, with a full ride scholarship as one of their youngest ballerina dancers.

Arriving at my locker, I pause before I open it because inside are loads of pictures stuck to my door of us. We keep the lockers we are assigned in freshman year all through high school and mine is decorated to the fullest with photographs. Jade and I at every school dance, on the beach, eating, laughing, and grinning like two loons. I know she is not allowed a cell phone during school hours but I sent her a text this morning saying how much I miss her.

"Hey Ruby," Bret Lewis greets.

"Bret," I nod politely but cringe from him. Now that Jade isn't here to keep him away from me I panic at little.

"So," he says, resting against Jade's old locker. "Where's your sidekick?"

So let me give you a quick run down of Bret. I've known him since first grade and he epitomizes the 'dumb jock' stereotype unfortunately for jocks all over the world. He can't take no for an answer and I'm tired of rejecting him all the damn time. He just doesn't get it.

"Hey," he draws my attention back to his goofy grin and shaggy light brown hair. Don't get me wrong, Bret is actually pretty decent looking and gets his fair share of girls but I just don't get why he always picks me. I often hashed it out with Jade that maybe it was some kind of bet.

"She doesn't go to school here anymore," I reply quietly. I'm not sure where he's been all summer because we had a huge going away party for Jade two weeks ago and most of our school showed up.

"Aw," he pouts at me. "I'll take care of you," he throws his heavy arm over my shoulders making my knees buckle a little from the weight.

"I'm good, thanks," I reply, slinking out of his grip and closing my locker. I try to walk away but he follows me.

"So are we going to get it on this year or what," he asks.

"W...what?" I sputter at his boldness. My eyes are huge and round as I look up at him. He grins at me again and I see the little mouse climbing on the wheel in is head.

"Come on Rubes," he knocks into me playfully sending me tumbling sideways into the lockers. "Shit," he grabs me. "Sorry Ruby, I didn't know you were so light," he laughs.

"Lewis," Daniel Jones jogs up to us and I want to die even more. I've had a crush him since, well, forever but only Jade knows.

"Yo," Bret says when Daniel stops.

"Hey Ruby," he smiles and I seriously feel my insides turn to mush.

"Hi Daniel," I manage to squeak out.

"So what's happening," Daniel asks Bret, who proceeds to tell him how he is breaking down my defenses. Daniel looks a little disturbed but says nothing as he glances at me. His very popular girlfriend Olivia, saunters over to us.

"Hey babe," she greets Daniel before ramming her tongue down his throat.

"Dude," Bret groans, knocking into Daniel. "I just had breakfast and you're not helping," he motions toward me with his head. Olivia looks at Bret then at me.

"Seriously Bret, Ruby?" she scoffs. "She's too sweet for you, aren't you Ruby. Leave the girl alone," she laughs.

"What," Bret looks at me then back to Olivia, who is hanging on Daniel like an old coat.

"Bret, she is a VIRGIN," Olivia, fake whispers. "She won't give you want you need and then you'll cheat and break her little heart."

I want to crawl into a hole and die right now. I've never spoken to Olivia before, yes I know her we all grew up together but run in vastly different social circles. I shift uncomfortably on my feet trying to find a way to get out from their scrutiny.

"Hey, Rubes is cool," Daniel says to them. "Leave her alone Bret she's not interested, are you?" Daniel asks making both Olivia and Bret turn to me again. Swallowing the giant knot in my throat I croak out the only thing I can think of before running away.

"I-I have a boyfriend," I lie my ass off. Daniel looks shocked but Bret and Olivia clearly don't believe me. I don't wait for anything else to transpire before I take off like my ass is on fire. Oh my god, what have I done. I question my sanity as I rush into the restroom to emergency call Jade hoping that by some miracle she will answer but she doesn't. I wait it out in the stall until the warning bells rings then sneak out to the hallway. I can't believe I was so dumb, why did I even say that crap.

Taking my seat in English I sigh at my stupidity and chuckle a little only because maybe now Bret will leave me alone.

"Boyfriend huh," that smooth voice says quietly from behind me.

"Um...yeah," I reply with a quick look over my shoulder to make sure that Daniel is actually sitting behind me.

"I didn't know you dated," he says.

"It's new, you know summer fling," I shrug trying to keep my voice even.

"Oh, so it was just a summer thing?" he asks sounding a little happier.

"It started that way," I tell him all while my heart beats uncontrollably in my chest.

"Oh," he says with a nod. "Well...I guess...that's good Ruby I'm happy for you," he smiles at me but it's not his usual smile, this one doesn't reach his eyes.

Half way through class I feel a pencil poke my neck, glancing at the front of the room I make sure Mr. Smith isn't looking my way before leaning back to Daniel, god I can smell his cologne from here.

"This boyfriend got a name," he whispers.

Shit! My brain scrambles for a moment as my eyes dart around the room. A name, a name, crap, how could I have set myself up like this. Just as I'm about to answer with another lie, Mr. Smith starts his lecture, saving me from myself.

If only Jade were here to advise me.

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