Chapter 5

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By the time practice is over I grab my bag and walk outside. I'm tired and sore but at least I'm not home.

"You coming over?" Rory asks.

"You feeding me?" I joke.

"Yeah, come on."

We climb into my jeep and I drive us to his house. Madison should be here with Siobhan but when we enter the house it's silent.

"Shiv," Rory shouts but we get no answer.

I frown then pull out my phone already thinking of the ways my dad will bury me if his little girl is hurt in any way. "She's not answering," I look at Rory. He pulls out his phone to try his sister but he shakes his head. "What the fuck?" I ask.

"Hang on," he says racing up the stairs. "Not here," he appears on the stairs seconds later.

"They got out of school two hours ago," I panic. "My dad will fucking kill me."

"Chill," Rory says. His phone beeps as I turn to leave the house bent of finding my little sister. "Hey, they're at McDonalds," he follows me. Jumping into the jeep I tear off down the street not giving two shits about driving safely. When I reach the parking lot, I barely park before I'm out of the seat and running like a total over protective big brother into the restaurant.

"Madison," I bark stopping next to her. She jumps with fright but Siobhan scowls at me. "I was calling you," I tell her, sitting down next to her. My heart is still freaking out.

"Sorry my phone is broke," she mumbles.

"Broke, how?" I ask.

Siobhan is talking quietly to Rory who is getting pissed by the second. Turning back to Madison I lean closer. "Maddie bear," I sing quietly to her. I wait for her to elbow me in the ribs like usual but her shoulders shake and her hair falls around her face. "Madison?" I ask moving her hair over her shoulder then I freeze. There's a fucking giant bruise on her jaw. "What the fuck?" I growl. "Who did this," I demand.

"Stop Mason," she finally looks at me crying but all I see is the black eye on the other side of her face. My dad will kill me. I'm fucking dead.

"Let's go," I grip her hand hauling her out of the seat. When I reach the jeep I'm shaking. "What happened, tell me now Madison."

"Nothing," she turns away from me but I step to block her. "Nothing, I'm fine," she huffs.

"Hey," I bend down to her height and my stomach drops at the sight of her face. "Tell me please."

"No, you''ll only do something about it," she hiccups.

"Well I am your big brother, I'm supposed to do something about it," I explain gently while my insides are raging.

"You can't hit a girl Mase," she says quietly.

"A girl did that to you, who?" I ask.

She shrugs, "I'm fine." I want to shake the shit out of her instead I pull her into my arms for hug and drop a kiss on top of her head. She starts to cry and I look at Siobhan, begging her to tell me what happened. With a quick nod, Rory scoops Madison from me and hugs her.

"Hey now, this is my skin," he says making her smile a little.

Siobhan and I move away while Rory makes my little sister laugh, it hurts a bit to see it, but I'm happy that someone can.

"So," I ask.

"It was Regina Reynolds, she picked on her and hit her. I wasn't in that class but some other people told me Madison was crying the loo at lunch."

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