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Chapter 2: Kuro?

You were awaken by the alarm clock that is on your table beside your bed. You reach your arms out to shut it off. After that you throw your self out of the bed leaving the small furr ball black cat in the bed.

"He is really adorable and soft. Last night I cuddle him it was like I'm holding a pillow but better" - You think it to your self.

After watching and patting the little guy, you decided to tale a shower then wear your uniform and go to school. You didn't bother to take breakfast cause you always don't eat breakfast.

Before you leave you say goodbye to your new cat and leave the house carefully with a blank expression on your face. You never leave the house in cheerful way cause your not like that.

Your a lonely girl who is alone and nobody wants you. You feel like you very much hate your self more than everybody else.

You reach school and went to your classroom 5 minutes before time. Suddently Preppy and the other bullies came to you to hand over their homework.

You hand them their homework and they didn't bother hurting you this time cause the teacher came in. Your savior.

Class is fine until lunch time. You just grab your self a piece of doughnut and a bottle of water to eat. After that you went to your favorite spot the library were no one will notice you.

You went to your usual spot, At the darkest section of the library and the peaceful one too. You read some ancient history books and some discovery books and also some of science book.

After the time pass by you went to your classroom again to finish the class. It went smoothly until you encounter Preppy and her two bitch friend.

"what's up loser?" Preppy said. "Going home early? Well you are that ugly and weird" (Insert a name of your worse enemy) one of preppy's friend said.

"Here have some cake?" Preppy said and giving you the cake. "Sorry I don't eat cake" You replied.

"too bad" Preppy said as she throw you the cake, but you manage to avoid that through your sharp senses. You look her in the eyes with no expression at all. "Can I go now? I want to go home early today." Then she push you hard and you hit your back and head in the lockers behind you.

You fell down but preppy and her friends didn't stop on kicking you. "Well its fun when it last" Preppy say.

"Here do my friends homework, Make sure you handed to her in time" She said and as she walk away. The papers were scattered on the floor and you pick up those one by one.

You stand up and went home cause you don't have any job for today. Your head and back is hurt from the impact, but you don't bother cause you think to your self. "The pain in my back and head is not enough compare to the pain I had right now"

You walk home with no expression at all. As you enter the apartment of your's to your surprise you heard the T.V is on. "Huh? That's weird did I left the T.V on?" You think.

When you reach the living room, you saw some of the empty cup noodles lying around the floor and some of the bag of chips were scattered. As you also saw a man who is watching T.V

You approach the man with no expression at all, and kneel beside him. "What are you doing here?" You ask

"Wahh... Hey, don't scared me like that" He said.

"Well for starters why are you doing here?" You said.

Kuro: Ah... This so trouble some I could just die.

You: Then die already.

You said it in blank expression.

You: Care to explain why you here?

Again you ask him with blank expression, You talk to all around you in blank expression cause your emotion was lost a long long time ago. Now you can't feel pain, happy, sad, or any emotion to your self.

K: ah.. Explaining is such a pain.

You open the Curtains and sigh at the window. As you turn around you saw your cat but the man was not around anymore. You close the curtains again and you saw your cat turn into a man again.

"Kuro?" You said. Then a light suddently surround you and you saw something that wrap your wrist.

"What was that?"

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