Stupid email

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Chapter 28: Stupid Email

You were suprise when you found your self at the top of kuro. Kuro however is so deeply asleep in his vampire form.

"Tsk. I must fallen asleep with him last night." You thought. 

(Autor's Pov: Warning: For people who has malicious minded!!)  

As you carefully leave slowly going to the kitchen to prepare something for him. After your done, jackpot kuro is awake too.

"Good Morning Kuro. Here's something if your hungry." You said

As kuro just 'hmp' and sit in the dinning table and eat.

" Won't you eat?" Kuro ask you.

"Sorry, I already told you I don't eat that much" You said in your usually boring tone. Beside thats how you speak. Calm and boring. Don't forget that.

kuro eat alone and you went to your room and sit in your desk. You got your lop top and start onlining.

Last time you went online was about decades? a year? a month? you didn't know. Cause usually when your a bitchie besty. Every second your posting a new updates. New picture of you being beautiful and Oh my god you are very very famouse.

You open an account of yours an wow there are a lot of email from your enemy and from your admirers.

Emails like:

"Hey cutie"

"Hey bitch"

" Wanna date with me"

" I'm avalable"

" Hey slut"

And others message that you get from everybody elses. But many did really miss your bitchie self, cause even your a bitch you still have a heart. Well that's what they say, but for you yourself. You don't have any heart Your just a stupid mean bitch.

But one email got your attention. It came from a certain group, certain organization that you hate the most. And mostly they have sent 379 emails on to you with the same content of the letters. And that is to come back to them. Come back in the C3 and Dark era Oraganization.

Both organization wants you back in one purpose, come back in being a mean person. Invent new things, and most of all be a professional assassin again.

You sigh "Why can they just leave me alone?" You thought. But as you want to shut down your lop top well unfortunately you got a new message from C3.

Dear: Y/R/N

We know your alive,and were going to do what it takes to get you back. So if you just surrender to us, it will be more easier.  And we know where you are so be prepared.


Thats the letter say.

Well you immediately shut the lop top down and fell weak. So you decided to lay down on your bed for a while. But as you lay down a memory start flashing on to you.

A memory where C3 erase your emotions before, erase your memory before, how they experimented you and how you've been treated so badly. Like a animal that is in the cage.

Before you already develop a emotion, but your father thinks its obe weak point so he sold you out to c3 and C3 take the advantage on experimenting in you for 4 years.

as those memory come to your mind, you got scared, you feel fear again, your hands was shaking and your breathing is so heavy.

You just lay down in your bed and hug the pillow until you heard a sound of the bell.

On the other hand, kuro seems to notice that theres a weird aurora in you, so he decided to check you in but kuro saw you in the bed laying so he decided to approach you, but he stop in the middle cause he heard the door bell rang.

"tsk, this is such a pain" as kuro turn back and open the door seeing victoria

" Hey ash, where's Y/n? I need something from her kasi eh... Can I come in?" But by the time victoria said that she's already in.

Kuro close the door."Y/n is in her room" Kuro said. "What a pain" Kuro thought.

As he followed victoria to your room. Victoria however is surprise that your heavy breathing and hugging a pillow so tight. Its like your afraid. And yes you really are.

" Hey Y/n can you pls sit atleast and talk to me?" Vic said. But that was an order,she made an eye contact to you that means she control your mind.

You sit as she said, but your hands still was shaking, and you still feel fear as those traumatic memory wont leave you alone. Vic however didn't controll you anymore instead she look at kuro deep in his eyes as she stated" Ash, hug Y/n from behind".

Kuro followed, As kuro hug you he could feel that your cold, cold as ice. As in its like his in the antartica or inside of the freezer with a -20°c of temperature.

Kuro was shock and let go of you, he started to get worried and hold your shaking hands. And yes its still as damn cold.

"Y/n?Your freezing? How?" Kuro said to you in worried tone.

" Its usual to her. Once she feel fear, scared or she remember a memory of her that she doesn't want to remember she's like as cold as ice."Victoria said.

" So this normal to her?" Kuro ask Vic.

" Probably yes, but ah... Don't be worried to much if she will be suddently unconscious. Cause as long as you warm her up she will be fine. But the worse she scenario is... Its possible that she will die because of that coldness" Vic said.

"Thats such a pain" Kuro said.

As kuro pulled you and hug you, but ah... you But your on a side ways position.

You could feel kuro arms, and you can feel kuro is really warm. Your chick turn pink as kuro cheek turn red.But as for You want to stay like that forever. Its so warm its irristable.

But sadly victoria was there to break your session. " Seens your making a scene here. I need to say what I want to say. Y/n?Did you ever saw a day light ring of mine?" Vic ask .

"" As you said. Still feeling the cold.

" Ok" as victoria exit the room living you and kuro alone.

" Tha...Tha...Thanks Ku...Kuro." You said.

Kuro hug you tightly and did say nothing. " don't thank me Y/n. It makes my face turn red even more now that I realize I like you. I think I'll do anything for my eve now that I'm slowly knowing you. But I need more information about you, and that's to ask the hybrid girl." Kuro thought.

As you calm down and everything turn black.


Thanks for reading 😊😊
Hope you enjoy it 😁😁😁.

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