School 2

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Chapter 11: School 2

Your in your school. Your teacher is discussing about the activities in the festivals. Each of you should participate in the school activities.

You really don't wanna participate, beside every festival, you always ended up in cleaning sector. Those student who clean there room after the festival in your school.

But unfortunately your teacher gave you an activity to join in an singing contest. You had two problems, one you don't like the crowd. Two, the jerk that ask you to write a song for his exposure.

You sigh heavily. As usual you went to the library, in the darkness place during lunch time. Everything was great until kuro came out of your bag.

"Y/n I'm hungry, I need food" Kuro said in his usual lazy tone.

you let out a big sigh again. "Sorry, I forgot about your stomach" You said. You carry your bag and kuro out of the library.

You are now walking in the hall way of your school but suddenly the jerk guy pull you and slam your back to the locker.

"Hey Y/n cutie. Heard that you will participate the singing contest? But unfortunately I won't ye win. So where the hell is my song!?" He said.

"I'm working on it" You said, in your weak voice.

"Hurry up will you. The Festival is about 3 days right now. And I didn't practice it yet! So hurry up" He demands to you.

But suddenly kuro hold your wrist and drag you away from there. That jerk was shouting and yelling to Kuro, but as if kuro cares.

You and kuro found your self in back of your school. Its also peaceful there and all the tree's is enough to shade kuro from the sun.

kuro hug you tightly from your back cause you two are hiding under a big tree from that jerk. That jerk is yelling and shouting your name looking for you.

"Who the hell is that guy!?" Kuro ask.

you didn't reply to him at all.

"Your such a pain, I could just die" He said in his usual tone.

After a minutes on being there you sit in trees and enjoy the wind blowing you as kuro is now in his cat form is on the top of your head.

"Sorry, If I cause you too much trouble kuro" You said.

Kuro didn't reply. "Really? Is she apologizing to me? Huh? Why would she? I'm the one who cause her to trouble in the first place." Kuro thoughts.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that I'll prepare a good dish for as we got home" You said to kuro.

"Make sure of it" Kuro said as he doze up to sleep again.

Your day went unnormal, cause every time your bullies will come to you, kuro drag you out of trouble. Now your in house you notice theres a letter in your door. There are two letters, One is from misono.

He invited you to go to the hot spring that they've own along with the other servamp. And one letter seems to be unopen easily.

"what's the problem?" Kuro ask while his still playing his games.

"This letter, it seems it won't open" As you said. Kuro grab the letter immediately "Its must be a piece of junk" kuro said.

You let him and went to the kitchen as kuro scramble the letter.

Your preparing a dish for kuro. As usual its a special food for kuro. After that you leave the food in the table and told kuro about it.

You take a bath, and fix your self and went to the desk again continuing the song that you wrote not for you.

After minutes pass by Kuro went in to your room and sleep in your bed as his cat form. "Y/n is late, sleep already" kuro said.

"I can't- your word were cut by kuro's arms wrap in you. As you can feel the warm hands of his, your eyes suddently got tired so thus your body feel weak. "Let me go and I'll go to sleep now" As you said.

Kuro let go of you, You stand up but felt weak, kuro catch you and assist you to your bed. As much as you want to finish the song, as much as you want to stay awake, your body felt weak so thus your eyes and everything went black.

"Good night Y/n, thanks for everything" kuro thought. As he turn his self into cat form and went to your side.

Thanks For Reading ☺️☺️

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