Kuro's past

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Chapter 14: Kuro's Past

After that night were kuro turn into a ball you decided to find another way on bringing him back.

You went to the hotspring to show misono and the others the ball.

Tap,Tap,tap"Its just a ball, Kuro isn't inside" Misono said.

"I'm now in the ball, so pls handle me with care" As kuro speak. But only you can hear. Tetsu and Misono couldn't.

"How about we will just cut the ball in half" As Tetsu got a giant saw ready to slice the ball.

"Wait,wait, no...." as kuro said, but your the only one who could hear. Tetsu slice the ball with the saw, but it didn't work even a scratch was not even close.

"I guest it failed huh?" You said.

"Well, I know there will be a way" Misono said.

you hummed for an answer.

So you start to wonder what you could do. So you come up with a plan, a plan were it involves your knowledge. You'll create something to go inside of kuro's.

You once turn a human to a weapon, so you could possible turn a ball to a servamp again. But you'll need clues.

After of several research, you finally got the perfect ingredient, but first you'll need a blood of a servamp to do that.

So you ask Lily, if he could give some of his blood and he agree. As you create a drink.

You have no doubt, you drink your creation and suddently all went black. You wake up in the middle of nowhere only to see a cat that has stiches on his mouth.

"Surprisingly you came" The cat said.

"I remember you, your the one who gave me a lead" You said.

"Yes, indeed. Now wanna see something nice? Like kuro's past?" The cat said.

You did not answer but the cat already bought you to kuro's past.

You saw the the servamps are gathering, they receive a letter from C3 that they should kill there own creator.

There are 7 Servamp to be exact. "There are only 7, I thought it was suppose to be 8?" You thought to your self. But as you saw there are only 7.

Lawless and his team disagree on killing there creator, but Lily and his team agree to kill there creator cause his too dangerous.

For kuro is last one to vote, he agree to kills his own creator and he volunteer that he will do the job. Now lawless is really disappointed to his brother because of that.

You saw how sleepy ash kill there creator, you saw sleepy ash kill him.  Kill Him.

"That's one terrible mistake. If only sleepy ash didn't kill that guy, if only he didn't do that, then you and your family wouldn't be born in the first place. You'll never exist in the first place" You think.

Then after that, you found your self at the white surroundings along with the cat.

"You want to see some of kuro's memories? I can give you a weapon to open them." The cat said.

"Sorry, I won't need any weapon. i just need to knock" You said.

As you knock in the darkness. Knock!Knock!

"Who's there?" Kuro's voice ask.

"Its me. Y/n" You said.

As you enter, it surround black everything and you can heard voices like..

Why on earth I did that?

Because Humans don't need a monster like us

But if I didn't that, then someone will..

No, If I didn't did that then...

As you heard kuro thoughts, you saw him sitting and hugging his knees. You feel bad on him.

You sit beside him.

"Why did you regret something that is done already?" As you said.

Kuro didn't say a word but he was listening to you.

"Why would you regret the things you did? Beside it will not be undone. Those things that you did, that you ended up regretting. All of those, can you just leave it alone? Forget the past and move on?" You said.

still kuro listen.

"Can you face your fear? Kuro? Can you face the things that you have done before and make it right? Can you? Sleepy ash?, Pls... say yes, because if not then you could just stay in this stupid ball forever. But if you will face the thing that you have done in the past, then maybe you'll get everything right" You stand up and ready to leave the place.

"Pls, sleepy ash. Your a strong servamps, you don't deserve here. You deserve on having a life eating ramen and playing games. You deserve some happiness in life. So pls, stand up and face the problem" You said as you walk away, but suddenly kuro grab your wrist and pull you closer to him, as he hugged you tightly. He didn't say a word.

You can hear his heart beat beating so fast. He loosen his hug on you. You look up into his eyes. "Your eyes is like an redish Icy cryztal. It shows that you don't fear of anything. But deep inside you, you let that thing take over you Kuro. So I made my mind. Face your fear, that's an oder from your eve. And a servamp like you can't deny it right?" As you said.

"Tsk, your such a pain that I could just die."

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