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Chapter 30: .......

"You know.. If your gonna just stay there and do nothing, its fine by me ash". As Victoria said.

"How did you do that? How did we end up in a forest then here?" Kuro ask.

"Ever heard the word 'Magic'? Its that." Victoria said.

" I see." Kuro said.

"Eventually after Y/R/N became Y/n. I never saw her again. Until the day in the concert of My prince charming Litch. And I can tell that she develop because of you. At first she was scared of you ash. Cause she thought if ever you will find out about her you'll not just going to leave her, but also kill her. You might also regret on having her as an eve." Victoria said.

"So that's why she said those words, those words "Maybe it's the other way around Kuro, maybe your the one who will regret on taking me as your eve. Don't worry, free to kill me if you did"  To me. She was scared of me?  But to be honest, I never ever did regret her as my eve, thanks to her I become new. I found myself. And swear that I'll never hurt her, cause... cause... I like her, I... Love...her..." Kuro thought

Victoria suddently laugh so hard. 

"Huh? Why are you laughing?" Kuro ask.

" Hahaha,... Nothing.... Hahaha... (Sigh) Really its nothing" Victoia said. Victoria was laughing cause she just head kuro's thought. 

"Huh? She is one energetic hybrid, This is such a pain" Kuro thought.

Victoria heard that and she was just holding her laughter until her phone rang. "Who dare to disturb my happiness in life !?" she said in loud and annoyance voice. "hmp...hmp...hmp...What the fucking hell did you just say? Really? Bwsit!!!" Victoria said as she talk to her tone.

"Hey shut up, Y/n might wake up with the noise your doing" Kuro said in his usual tone.

"yEAH, Yeah... I'm going" As victoria open the curtain she start to burn so she close it again.

"Tsk, Stupid, How am I suppose to go there with out my day light ring!? Hugh...!!" She said in annyonce.

"You burn in the sun too?" Kuro ask.

"Yeah, so help me find my daylight ring will you. I think I left it last night here in thi stupid living room!" Victoria said.

"Tsk, Searching is such a pain...." Kuro said.

"Then what's more a pain to you? My annoying voice? or searching for the ring?" Victoria said in her usually bitch mode tone.

"Tsk your so troublesome that I could just die" Kuro said as he help victoria find a daylight ring. "Tsk, He will help naman eh.... Madami pang sat sat... Torpe!" Victoria said in a low annoying tone. Until the two finally found it. As they found it victoria wear it in her finger.

"I miss you so much mwa" She said in the ring.

Then he open the cutain and the window, as she look back she found an black cat.

"Ah... So your the unlucky cat... Wow oh wow, your eally are unlucky. But let me tell you something. Your the only person who made her smile. Not  fake smile, a smile with a heart. Even though its a fainted one, still she smile with her pure heart. So...  Goodbye ash Keep the good work to make her smile and happy" She said as she left, The window open. "Tsk, she knows that I'm a vampire so I'll burn too. I wish I had a daylight ring like hers. But me? Made Y/n smile? Tsk...This such a pain"  Kuro thought as he walk to your room. 

But as he saw you, your not in peaceful mode. Its like your having a nightmare again. You wake up again in heavy breath and was tremble in fear. You put your two hands in your head its like you don't know what happening to you anymore. Your like going crazy and don't know. You a tear escape from your right eyes.

You almost cry when a warm arms wrap on you and make you feel better. You sigh.

"You ok Y/n?" kuro said as he loosen his hug on you.

"Find" You said. But deep inside you, your not ok.

"I know your not. But let me tell you I'm here for you" Kuro said.

As you were so shock on what kuro just said. "How come you can say that kuro? How come you can say that sleepy ash? How?" You thought.

As you though another tear escape from your eyes. Kuro was worried to you. "Did I say wrong Y/n?"Kuro ask.

"Nothing." You said.

 A long pause was been made, but kuro stomach went grrrr.... enough to break the silent.

"You didn't eat?" You ask.

"Nope" Kuro said as he look to down to your bed. You sigh and decided to cook for kuro, but as you stand up kuro hold your wrist and stop you. "Your still so cold like ice" Kuro said. "What can I do? I can't do nothing." as you said in your usual tone. 

Kuro let go of you and you went to the kitchen and prepare some food. As you and kuro were sitting in the diining room together eating ramen.

"How come you can cook a food this delicious?" Kuro ask in his usual tone.

"Don't know" You said in your usual tone.

"Its also first time that I saw you eat a bowl of ramen." Kuro said.

You: Well, you said I'm cold like ice so I need to eat this so I could minimize my cold.

Kuro: That is such a pain.

You: Hmp....So I thought I heard Victoria's voice earlier. I she here?

Kuro: A couple of minutes ago, she went here to find a daylight ring.

You: Did she find it?

Kuro: Yeah..

A long pause was made by the both of you but you broke the silent.

"Sorry, Sorry if its your first time to meet an annoying girl like victoria" You said.

"I don't mind.  As long as your happy" Kuro said. "Cause I'll do anything to make you happy, my love"  kuro thought


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