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Chapter 33: Headache

Its already 2:46am and you still can't sleep because of the homeworks and report your working on. You kinda feeling a little bit thirsty so you decided to get water from the fridge. But you decided to check in living room first.

You saw that the vampire of yours is peacefully slumber in the coutch as you saw his face your kinda jealous on how could he sleep so sudden.

You leave him in the living room peacefully "Good Night Kuro" As you said and went to the fridge and get some water. After that you went to your desk and do the homeworks.

Nexting you know your alarm clock ring and you didn't sleep a thing. But its kinda always, cause you find hard to sleep.

Rightnow you decided to cook something for kuro and went to take a bath. Kuro however is still sleeping until the light of the sun disturb his eyes. So he decided to get up. When he get to the kitchen some food are already cook.

"Y/n must be awake already." Kuro thought

As he eat the food. After that he clean it itself. You were done and went to the living room and found nothing there so you went to the kitchen and saw that kuro was the one who's washing the plates.

So you just lean in the wall and put your arms in your chest. As you put a fainted smile to his back. Kuro was shock when he saw you.

"Its a miracle that you did that?" You said.

"Tsk, your such a pain" Kuro said.

"Hey, let's go. I need to go to school" You said.

Kuro just hummed in a answer.

--------Skip to school

As you were already in your sit, kuro was inside of your bag sleeping, and you too want to sleep, but sadly preppy showd up. You hand her the homeworks you did over night.

Your class were ok until its lunch time that you went to the mini forest where you and kuro are always hang out. As kuro was eating the lunch you made he was surprise that suddently your head was on his lap already.

"she must be tired huh?" Kuro thought.

As kuro slid his finger in your face. You look so peacefully slumber, But suddenly the bell from the school disturb your sleep.

And you went up but you and kuro bump to each other heads, you went back on laying in kuro's lap while holding your head. "Ah... That hurts" You said in low tone.

"Your a troublesome that I could just die, Are you ok Y/n?" Kuro said.

You hummed in an answer. But deep inside your head your having a headache.

You stand up and was ready to go to your next class again but kuro stop you, "You sure you ok Y/n?" Kuro said.

"Yup, I'm fine" You said.

As kuro turn his self into a his cat form and jump into your bag.

Your class were great, but your head is killing you. So as long as the bell rang you decided to go home quickly.

But as you were in the street you were drag by someone on the dark corner. It was quicker than lighting so you drop your bag somewhere, and kuro was on there.

On the other hand Gerald was the one who drag you there. But your vision was not clear because of headache.

"Hello Y/R/N. I been searching for you seens we met" He said.

As you heard that voice you got scared again. You were shock to fear and can't move a single muscle your breath became heavy but still your headache is killing you too.

"Your so cold Y/R/N, maybe your blood is a good desert. " Gerald said. As he lay you to the ground and lean his face in your neck. You want to escape but your body is so weak it can't move.

As you feel his fang in your neck, a single tear came from your eyes as he start drinking your blood.

But kuro showed up and kick gerald again and and pick you up. " Your cold again" Kuro said.

As he look at your neck is still bleeding, as he saw your blood his instinct as vampire came. He really, really want your blood but sad to say your not in a good condition.

As much as kuro want your blood, Gerald want it too.

"Y/R/N's blood was so god damn it delicious as usual. So you ****to kuro**** Give her back or I'll brake your neck" Gerald said.

"Tsk, your such a pain" Kuro said.

But as gerald was about to attack kuro, Victoria showed up and brake gerald's neck.

"There, that will take him for a while" Victoria said.

"Hey ash, if you want Y/n's blood, then drink it already. Don't you want it to go to waste don't you?" Victoria said.

"Tsk, Your a pain too" Kuro said. Then he look at you, your so cold and your face is really like scared and your heavy breathing.

"Sorry Y/n" As kuro lean his face and start to drink your blood. But at the timem you feel the gentle fangs on your neck, you feel so calm and relax, you felt like everything was ok. "Kuro?" You thought. Then everything around you went black.

As kuro was done he saw you that you look so unconscious. He try to wake you up but failed.

"Don't worry, she's just as sleep. And ash, she want to say thank you to you" Victoria said.

"Huh? Why would she be?" Kuro thought but victoria heard that.

" Because at the time you bite her neck and drink her blood, you make her calm and relax, you make her feel that everything is ok before she went to sleep due to her heavy headache. Her headache is killing her. " Victoria said.

Kuro look at you and said. "I see".

"Listen, how about you bring her to the appartment and I'll buy some medecine for her headache" Victoria said.

Kuro just hummed and start to carry you.

Now kuro is sitting at the edge of your bed holding your cold hands. "Her blood taste still better. Maybe that's the reason why that stupid jerk keep on tracking her.." Kuro thought.

But he didn't notice that he fell asleep afterwards.

Early in the morning kuro suddently found his self beside you. He got up immediately. "How did I get here?" He said to himself. As he look at you, your sleeping in a peaceful mode.

He lay back and look at you. "'she's pretty....... Tsk, this is so troublesome" He said as he slid his finger in your face. But you suddenly hug kuro thinking that was a pillow.

Kuro was shock and turn around. His face turn red as you hug him tight. "Geez, why did I lay back?" Kuro thought.

He was trying to escape your grip but failed, he was scared that he might wake you up.

"Nice smell" As you said in your sleep. Kuro can't do nothing but to tranform his self as a cat and let you cuddle him for as long as you want. Beside that also what he wants.

After some couple of hours, you wake up and see yourself that  your cuddling your adorable cat.

You let go of him and start to patt him. He looks happy when you did that, but suddently your window open and saw Victoria came out from there.

"Hey would you turn the curtains down? The sun its hurt" Kuro said.

"Sorry You lazy stupid vampire" Victoria said.

"Hey, Vic. There's a door. So you could use one" You said.

"I rather going on the window. Anywho, here take this medecine, I know your in a big big massive headache. And ah.... I need to tell you something." Victoria said.

"What is it?" You ask.


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Hope you enjoy it 😀😀😀

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