Sleepy Ash

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Chapter 4 Sleepy Ash

His instinct as a vampire came, and to your surprise he drink your blood. You watch him and let him as you saw that the wound of him are healing.

After his done he and you got up and face the other mans. His Hands turn into a sharp claws.

" Care to explain who in hell are their? It seems that they know that your a Servamp?" You ask him in a calm blank way.

" Why in earth did I do that? This such a pain...." kuro replied. "yeah It does" You think. As you saw some of the mens are coming closer to you.

" ah... sleepy ash. Long time no see." One of the man said. "sleepy ash?" You think. Then kuro ask " what shall we do? Your my eve now-

You cut his word by saying " Just beat them but don't kill them". As you watch Kuro fight in an awesome way, "So your sleepy ash Kuro. This is going to be in such pain. Why do stupid faith always come and ruins people lives." You think.

Then you let a loud sigh as you saw Kuro is done fighting everybody else. "Who are they?" You ask in your usual tone. The no emotion one.

"Vampire hunters" Kuro replied. " That must be annoying for a Vampire like you" You said to him.

"Yeah... Its so trouble some I could just die." Kuro said.

"So... Your sleepy Ash?" You ask in your usual tone.

"Yup, that's my true name." He said.

And started to look at the floor in your usual self thinking "Maybe faith want's me to suffer more pain just like everybody else that I hurt before. Is this what they call karma? I guest I didn't suffer enough" .

"Let's go home Kuro." You said as you walk but kuro grab your wrist and stop you.

" The contract is settled then, that means your my eve now and your stuck with me until the day you'd die" Kuro said

"I know. Its settled then my Servamp. Now let's just go home." You said. Kuro turn into a cat and jump to your head and make his self like a furr ball. After the words " This is such a pain"

As you got home, You saw the mess kuro made so you clean it up. Time check 10:45pm and you still have an homework to finish.

You place kuro on your bed softly carefully not to wake the lazy cat. As you went to your desk and make the homework that is not even yours.

1:26am and you still not finish cause its too hard for you. Its the last one though. You stand up and got a few books from your shelf that related in the homework your making. You open and read them one by one to find some clues.

As you found one, You went to your desk again and continue the homework. Tap...Tap... as your thinking for the answer tap... Tap... suddently the cat from behind you speak up.

"Hey its too noisy" as he extend his tiny little paws. " Sorry for disturbing your nap" You said didn't bother to look at him or turn around. Instead you just look at the homework.

Then kuro jump to your head and said "What are you doing? Its been 1:59am already?"

" Homework" You replied.

"Ah... This is trouble some Its such a pain...." Kuro reply.

You didn't reply cause the answer in the homework just pop out and you write it on it.

"Hey, You didn't tell me your name yet." kuro said. Come to think of yeah you didn't said your name yet.

"You can call me Y/n" You said still not looking to him and doing the homework.

"Hey Y/n sleep already its too late" He said in his lazy tone. "I'm done." You said as your done doing your homework.

You quickly fix every thing before going to the bed with kuro the cat as you start cuddling him like a teddy bear.

"hey put me down" Kuro said.

"No, Your too soft and too adorable to put down." You said in your usual tone.

"This is such a pain" Kuro said. "Beside you help me sleep well" You add.

"Good night Kuro" You didn't for his reply as you doze off.

"sweet dreams sleepy ash. Cause your about to meet your nightmare. And that's me" You thought.



" Faith will found a way to fix your past. Help you to conquer it."

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