New Manager

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Chapter 32: New manager.

As kuro was in his cat form sleeping in the chair. You on the other hand listen to the wonderful piano music of  litch play.

"A sweet music can make your heart pump more calmer, takes problem slower and became calm and relax. Litch's music is the same thing" You thought as you heard the piano keep playing.

After an hour the concert was finish and also the stadium was already empty and the only people was left is you and kuro and litch and lawless.

"Hey litch? Where's misono and Mikuni?" You said.

"They didn't come. Cause some family matter. " Litch reply.

You just hummed in reply.

"Hey cutie? Where's that lazy cat brother of mine?" As lawless ask you in his usual cheerful voice.

You point at the sit of kuro where he was peacufully sleeping in his cat form.

"Guest he sleep again huh?" Lawless said.

"What do you expect-"Your voice was cut by one person, and also your eyes was shock to her.

"Ahm...Sir. Litch. This is-"The man voice was cut by her.

" Hey litch, my name is Francesca Alexandra Victoria Rexha Sionill. You can call me Victoria for short or any of my name." She said in a flirting was as Litch shake hands with her.

She turn around and jump like an idiot for so happy. She was happy seeing her crush is in front of her and just shake hands with her. However she turn around and look serious as possible. But how can you be serious if your prince charming in life is in your front.

"Tsk. She never change" You said.

On the other hand Lawless was so shock like shock to hell cause as he laid his eyes in victoria he can't even imagine its possible. Cause Victoria is exactly look like Ophelia. His first love.

But her hair is not in ponytail style its just down and she just wear a cool pink head band. But unfortunately, victoria doesn't pay attention to lawless or you. She was paying attention to Litch.

"Hey Vic, Don't tell me your the new managet of Litch?" You said but you didn't look at her, instead your looking at kuro who is still sleeping.

"Yup, yes I am." She said in a cheerful tone.

" They never told me that my manager is a girl." Litch said.

" Oh, did I disappointed you babe...I mean Litch"? She said.

" No I you didn't. You look great" Litch said.

Victoria bite her lips and stop her self for being super duper happy because she see her crush in front of her.

On the other hand you walk towards lawless, you seem to notice that his spacing out. You touch lawless's shoulder and he was shock.

" You ok Lawless? Your like spacing out?" You ask.

"Yup, I'm fine" Lawless said.

But deep in his mind. He is confius. Its like he just saw a ghost who came back from the dead. Its like Ophelia his one true love was standing infront of his eve.

"Nice meeting you Victoria. This is Lawless by the way, an important friend of mine. His always should be around on me everytime. " Litch said.

"Tsk, what the? So that means? Is litch lover is that silly stupid yellow hair guy?Fuck shit!!" Victoria thought.

She look lawless very very much like jealous. She rolled eyes on the audience chair which is empty beside for kuro who is still sleeping.

"Huh? I guest Victoria doesn't like you."You said to lawless.

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