Hunt you again

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Hunt You again

Your Pov.

I wake up in the middle of the forest, the moon was full and shinning bright. It was the night, one of the night that I won't forget.

Infront of me is an mansion, a mansion of full of people who against my father's will. And I was perfectly dress in this occastional party. But they don't know what's coming.

My dress,earings,rings, and neckless, also my heels are part of a weapon that I myself created. I'm not here for entertainment, but a couple of liquor can't harm me, and also killing everybody in this room will help me smile.

I guest I could say that I'm here for a show with no audience cause all of the audience will sadly go to hell right about now.

I was the attraction of the crowd, I was beautiful, gorgeous, sexy,and the godess of beauty. All men are eyes on me, all of the girls are jealous. I mean, they should be cause I'm pretty.

But that's not the point. After 2 hours of enjoying, how about I shall have some fun? right? 😈 I start my attack, killing, cutting off there heads, make them suffer. Just imagine. All of the guest there were dead, even the guards can't do nothing. Man, woman, ladies, And children. There's no escape in my hands.

However I suddently feel pain, pain in my heart. Its like it was stab by millions and trillions of thorn. And when I realize, all the dead bodies that swimming in their own blood was awaking up.

They stand up and said.

"Your a monster"

"Your a killer"

"Your a demon"

"Your a devil"

And its cycling all over and over gain. I  cover my ears to make it stop, but I can  still hear those words.

"Pls, make it stop. I know I'm a terrible person. I'm sorry...I'm sorry....I'm sorry...." I said it again and again as you lean in a wall and hug your knees tight and start to cry.

But suddently I wake up.

Normal Pov's

Kuro was sleeping peacefully beside you, until he finally wake up because he heard moan in pain, As he saw you, your having a nightmare. Kuro try to touch your hands and face but it was too cold like Ice. He also saw you that your hands are shaking and he saw your face as your in pain. Its like somebody is hurting you like hell.

"Y/N? Wake up, Y/n?" Kuro said. But you didn't wake up, your still in the middle of the nightmare. Kuro was trying his best to wake you up but failed. Suddently you wake up seeing kuro's worried face.

Your breathing is so heavy its look like someone is chasing you, You palce your both hands in your head, its like your having a bad problem.

"Those nighmares again huh? Luckily its not in the past already, If ever that will be in the present its not a nightmare anymore but consider as a vision. But all those I did in the past. I swear I didn't mean it. Sorry, Sorry everyone" You think as a tear escape from your eyes.

Kuro saw that, "she's having nightmares again. Huh? One day she was happy, the next day she's back on being emotionless. Tsk...This is such a pain" Kuro thought as he hug you from your back.

"Sh....Y/n, everything is alright. I promise. I'm here right?" Kuro said. But you didn't say a single word. Silence was done for how many long minutes. You stay in that position for too long.

Kuro wants to make you calm and relax, and yet it did happen. Your calm and relax as you know it. "Thank you kuro, thanks for making me feel calm" You said to him.

"As a reward, can you cook me of something? I'm hungry" Kuro said.

You smile and hummed as an answer. Kuro let go of you as you went to the kitchen. Kuro however went back to your bed and burried his face in your pillow. "Nice smell... And she smile again... How nice to see it. Everytime she smile, even a simple smile of her can make my face turn as red as blood, and it makes me wanna to drink more of her blood. And also makes my heart pumps faster. Tsk....Am I that In love with her? This is such a pain" Kuro thought.

But after 1 hour of waiting, kuro can't sleep again cause he was starting to think random question about how he like you, suddently he felt a gentle and warm hands on his head.

He look at it and its you. "Oh, sorry kuro, I'm sorry If I disturb your sleep" You said.

Kuro hold your hands and sit at the edge of the bed. "Its ok. But... Are you ok?" Kuro ask you.

"I'm fine" You said.

"Tsk, Your such a troble some I could just die" Kuro said as he let go of your hands. He knows your not fine because your too cold to be fine.

"I prepare some food in the dinning table. So help your self." You said in your usually boring tone and went to the bathroom to take a rest.

"I'm so god damn it a monster. Those memories of my past.... Are they coming to hunt me? Maybe not... And maybe yes... its defenetly a big Yes." you said as you were in the bath room,your eyes was cover by your bangs.

As your done taking a bath, you went to your room and change then you lay down to your bed but again if you sleep you'll have a nightmare, so you decided to keep up.

You don't know what to do as your memory is slowing to posses you. Its start to drown you again and again and again. It will hunt you down again.

Its again, you want to kill your self because of what you did. "Your a killer, your a monster. I guest I'm that kind of person" You said to your own self while having a drama in the dark room.

After an hours pass by, you heard a bell ringing and you look surprise as kuro was already in the bed, cudling you like your his teaddy bear.

"Huh? Seens when did you came kuro?" You said.

"I came here to appoach you, its been 45 minutes you keep avoiding my call. I was worried, so I decided to.... Well... this is such a pain... Well...." Kuro words was cut by you.

"Sorry to not noticing you, I was...." You said.

Silence broke you two and stayed like that for you don't know how long, until you find that kuro is already asleep again. "he really love to sleep huh? I guest I kinda envy him for that." You thought as you slowly pull out from his hug making sure not to disturb his sleep.

You went to your desk to check some email of yours, but its an group email where your known as DarkDyosaXZX. The greatest assin that ever exist in this world.


thanks for reading 😊😊

Hope you like it😁😁😁

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