Chapter 1

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That's all that filled my dream.

Just bright light everywhere.

Hmm, I thought, this is new.

I squinted and far away, I could see a doorway.

I slowly walked towards it, fearing the worst.

I pulled open the door and I saw nothing.

Not nothing like an empty room, but nothing like pure emptiness, an everlasting black hole.

I reached out in front of me and pulled my hand back, strands of- Black smoke?- swirling around my fingers.

Is this a nightmare?

I reached in again and attempted to move through the thick black substance.

I heard an irritating buzzing begin and my vision began to fade.

As the black smoke turned gray, I caught a glimpse of a human silhouette from inside the room?


I groaned and reached over to grab my phone.

"Hello" I murmured groggily to the speaker.

"Hey Percy! How'd you sleep? Um do you think you could give me a ride? Thanks! You're the best!"


I blinked a couple of time and checked my screen.

It had been one of my best friends, Jason.

That's how most of my wake up calls were.

I got up and went to the bathroom to shower.

Before I got in, I checked my reflection in the mirror.

My black hair stuck up in different directions and my green/blue eyes had bags under them from all the nightmares and sleepless nights I've been having.

It isn't your fault he died, Percy.

It was an accident.

Don't blame yourself.

I flinched and turned away from the mirror, stepping into the shower.

*skipping shower because that's awkotaco*

I walked downstairs and said good morning to my mom amd stepdad.

As I was leaving, my mom touched my shoulder.

I looked at her and she smiled sadly.

"Are you picking up Jason today?", my stepdad asked from the next room.

I called out a less than enthusiastic yes and turned to leave, hesitating slightly but stepping out amd shutting the door.

*more time lapse because what could happen between there and going to Jason's house?*

I knocked on the door and covered the peephole.

I heard Jason's heavy footsteps nearing the door and he called out "Who is it?"

I grinned and didn't reply.

Jason sighed audibly and called out, "I'll be right out, you little shit."

I got back into my car and he opened the car door.

"That wasn't necessary, you know?" Jason said, pushing my slightly.

I grinned, "Neither was this morning's phone call".

He laughed and the rest of the ride to school was light jokes and teasing.

When we got to school, there was a large crowd outside.

Jason and I looked at each other and exited the car quickly, curious about the commotion.

Before we properly saw what happened, we heard shouting and muffled sobs from within the crowd.

"Stop crying, f**. There's no prince here to rescue you."

A/N: Hey guys ^-^ I hope you like this chapter ^-^ I liked writing it and I already know what's gonna happen in the next few chapters so yay ^-* I love you.!

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