Chapter 9

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He kissed me

He actually kissed me



That didn't count as a kiss

He didn't kiss me

It was an accident


Just an accident.

I stood up from the floor of the bathroom.

What if it wasn't?

I just met him today

It's moving way too fast

I looked into the mirror and saw my red puffy eyes.

Sighing, I turned on the cold water.

It was an accident


Just for precaution, I'll keep my space from him.

If he finds out I'm gay, he'll never talk to me again

He'll hurt me

I splashed some cold water on my eyes, to dull the bright red color.

I can't handle that again

Not again

Not when I've been doing so good.

I squeezed my hand into a fist

I've been in here too long.

Swallowing hard, I stepped outside of the bathroom.

Bianca and Hazel were out there, pacing back and forth, exchanging nervous glances at each other.

The second they saw me, both ran to me and embraced me.

I heard muttering about how worried they both are and if I'm okay.

But one question stuck out

What happened?

I swallowed hard and put a fake smile on my face.

"Nothing happened. I guess I just freaked out by the closeness."

Bianca smiled and nodded, convinced.

But Hazel's gaze on me glared into my eyes for a bit longer.

She knows

Hazel opened her mouth to say something, but Percy ran towards us.

"Nico! Are you okay?"

I muttered a quiet yes and tried to walk past him.

He grabbed my arm and turned me around, making me look into his eyes.

His deep blue ocean eyes

Oh look

They're green now

They change colors.

How lovely

Oh Percy

You're so lovely

I snapped myself out of whatever trance I had been in and forced a smile.

"Yeah Percy. I'm fine."

He gave me a doubtful look and tried to say something but I cut him off.

"Percy. I. Am. Fine."

He looked hurt, but I couldn't let myself feel anything for him.

I walked past him and into my music class.

Leo watched me enter the room.

If I have to get over the childhood crush I have on Percy, Leo is a good way to go.

I sat down next to him and Leo poked me in the side and gave me a questioning look.

I tried to give a reassuring smile and he gave one back, with equal amount of effort.

After class ended, I went through the rest of my day in a trance.

I could barely pay attention.

Finally the end of the day came, and I was free.

Walking out of my last class, I saw Jason had some cheerleader pinned against the lockers.

She looked content there and he was enjoying it.

I looked away and saw Leo staring at them, emotion in his eye.


I have to get him out of here

Leo wasn't paying attention so it didn't take much to grab his arm and drag him away from Jason and his latest prize.

When Leo finally looked at me, there was still hurt in his eyes.

I saw a question in his eyes.

The same question I had seen in my own many times.


I don't know, Leo.

But I'll help you.

I gave him a sad smile and he nodded.

We started the walk back to my house, each in our own world.

"So... What happened in lun-"


I grabbed his hand, as Percy had in the cafeteria, slipping my fingers between his.

I might regret this later


I might not

That shut him up.

Leo's POV (I know right?)

Well this is odd

A/N: Ayeee here's an update ^-^ What is up with this Leico?? Pshhh >.> I might update tomorrow, but I might now.

Love you guys <3

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