Chapter 17

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Waking up next to Nico was something I could get used to.

He was curled into my side, his face buried into my neck.

I brushed some hair away from his face and he scrunched his nose up.

He's so pretty

I tried to pull away, as my bladder needed to be released.

Nico held me tighter.

"Bad Percy. You aren't allowed to leave."

I chuckled and kissed his nose.

"Just have to pee, love."

He released me and muttered in Italian.

I did my business and was about to go back to Nico, when my mom stopped me in the hall.

"Percy, I just want you to know that I'll always love you. If boys makes you happy, then I'm fine with a son-in-law."

I smiled, knowing that I was lucky.

Luckier than Nico.

"Thanks, Mom. But boys don't make me happy. Only Nico does."

She laughed lightly and pushed my shoulder.

"You're head over heels, aren't you?"

I blushed and nodded.

"He's been calling out for you for 5 minutes. I think he's head over heels, too."

My mom turned around going to her room, probably just as excited to go back to her love's arms as I was.

When I reached my room, Nico was sitting up, but he was in a buddle of blankets.

His eyes lit up and he jumped off the bed.

I caught him and laughed to myself as I realized how cliché we both were.

"I missed you," he nuzzled into my neck.

"I missed you too, Neeks."

"If you ever call me that, I'll let Annabeth leave you childless."

"Doesn't matter since boys can't get pregnant."

Nico tensed against me and pulled away.

Well, you fucked up.

"Percy... I've only known you for a couple days.."

"No, we've only been talking for a few days. I've known you since I helped you on Halloween. Do you know how much I looked for you? You had barely moved here. No one seemed to know who you were. Nico, I've been crazy about you since you walked into literature in freshman year. I didn't think I would see you, considering you're a year younger.. I guess I didn't consider that you would skip a grade."

He looked shocked and looked at the floor.

"Percy.. I... I didn't know..."

He bit his lip and looked up.

"My world just fell apart around me. Can you wait a little bit before considering anything serious?"

I nodded quickly, happy that I had a chance.

Nico smiled slightly and closed his eyes.

I took this opportunity to lean in and kiss him.

He kissed me back, and it was one of those kisses that made my stomach explode, that made my heart flutter.

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