Chapter 13

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Percy and I arrived at school and he wouldn't stop touching me.

Just any type of physical contact.

I thought it was kind of cute, but I already got bullied enough without people knowing I was gay.

Walking up to the school's steps, Percy grabbed my hand and shoved it in his pocket while I fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Stop it," Percy managed to say between his giggles, which the cutest thing I've ever heard.

I ripped my hand out of his grasp and crossed my arms.

Percy just shook his head with a smile and put his arm around my shoulders.

This is normal, right?

Straight people do this?


Just as I opened the door, I was yanked away from it, making a small shriek exit my body.

My back was on Percy's chest as I watched Leo go flying into the school, followed by his skateboard.

He landed on the ground with uncontrollable laughter.

I almost died

I shook my head and laughed as Leo looked up at the people who were walking past him.

Percy whispered into my ear, "look, Jason's gonna come save him".

He was right.

Jason was, indeed, striding towards Leo, a smirk on his face.

But too late.

Leo was already being helped up by a girl.

When she lifted him up, he shot up, brushing noses with her, barely centimeters taller.

The girl blushed, making her pale cheeks turn bright red.

They talked for a couple minutes before they left, presumably, to walk the girl to her class.

Percy didn't let me go, so we were caught in the awkward position of his occasionally swaying so it looked like we were dancing.

I shrugged out of his grasp and started walking to our first period.

Percy walked behind me, purposely brushing his fingers against my butt.

I rolled my eyes but paid no attention.

Once we reached the class, I sat in my usual seat by myself.

Apparently, that was going to change, as Percy put his stuff on the ground and sat on the seat next to me.

I stared at him and he flicked my nose.

Rolling my eyes again, I leaned into my backpack to get the play.

As I was bent over, I heard a whistle from behind me.

Percy, what are you doing?

I looked up and glared at him.

He gave me a smirk.

"Seaweed Brain!"

His smirk faded and a look of fear took over.

That blonde girl (Annabeth? Annabella? Wise Girl?)

"Uh... Hi Annabeth..."

Percy visibly gulped.

I started laughing silently as I watched this girl drill holes through Percy.

"Are you seriously going to leave me alone?"

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