Chapter 10

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What's wrong with him?

He never blows me off like that.

I watched Nico go into his class and my thoughts raced.

I can tell him it was just an accident.

That I didn't mean to.

Or you can grow a pair and tell him the truth?

I sighed in frustration and walked to my class, completely annoyed with no one in particular.

*time lapse bc I'm uncreative*

The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat.

If I caught up to Nico, I could explain myself.

Maybe even land myself a date.

As if he would go out with you.

I shook my head and saw Piper talking to Annabeth.

It always seemed that they were into each other, but Piper always denied it, claiming she was into Jason.

Piper was twirling a piece of hair between her fingers and Annabeth seemed lost within Piper's ever changing eyes.

As I walked further, I saw Jason searching for someone.

"Percy! Have you seen Piper?" he asked

"Yeah man. She's with Annabeth."

He nodded and tried to move past me, but I stopped him.

"Don't be a cockblock."

Jason laughed and looked at me.

"Piper's always saying she likes me. Time for her to prove it."

I shook my head as I watched him disappear into the crowd.

I felt a hand grab my arm and I pulled away.


It was Hazel.

Maybe she knows where Nico is.

She looked at me and asked me if I knew what happened.

Knowing Nico, he probably didn't want people to know he was gay.

I shook my head and lied.

She looked frustrated and turned away.

"Wait! Do you know where he lives? Maybe I can check up on him."

Hazel squinted at me and nodded.

*more time lapse bc yolo*

I reached Nico's house just as the bus came to the street.

My eyes searched for Nico, but only Bianca came out.

She tilted her head to the side and sat next to me on the steps.


I sighed and nodded.

She gave a small smile.

After a bit of awkward conversation, mostly led by her, she pointed towards the end of the street.

"There he is!"

I looked over, and saw that indeed, two figures were walking towards us.

Only a few houses between us, I saw that Nico and Leo's hands were together.

Oh no

I felt my stomach begin to turn and I wanted to puke.


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