Chapter 27

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"Do we have to go?"

I smiled and pressed my lips on Nico's nose.

He was sitting on my bed while I attempted to fix my hair.

"Yes, Neeks, we have to go."

He groaned.

"I don't even like those people."

I rolled my eyes.


He scoffed.

"I tolerate him. He treats Sandra like trash sometimes."

I laughed and turned back to the mirror.

"Fine. You can go to someone's house. But I'm going to the party."

Nico smiled.

"Yay! I'll just stay here and watch a movie or something."

I bit my lip.

I usually didn't go anywhere without Nico.

This was certainly going to be a first.

After I was done, Nico walked me to my car.

"Promise you'll stay safe?"

Nico rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna be at your house with your parents. You're the one that has to be careful."

"Promise, babe."

He leaned into the window and kissed me.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too."

Nico got back into my house and waved as he went inside.

I watched him go in and sighed before driving to the house of a senior I didn't know.

When I got there, the music was loud and I could hear the bass from two blocks away.

Before I really met Nico, I used go to parties all the time.

I parked and got out.

"Percyyyy! We haven't seen you in foreverr"

People's sentences were starting to slur, but I managed to steer clear of any sort of alcohol.

Calypso neared me and she handed me a cup.

"I'm not drinking."

I had to scream over the music.

She smiled at me.


She screamed too.

I took a drink and immediately became slightly happier.

And, was it just me, or did Calypso look waaay prettier than she did about 10 seconds ago?

Nico's POV bc Percy is drunk af

I snuggled into the covers and debated whether I should press Next Episode or close down Netflix.
Ahh, yolo, right?

I moved my mouse over to Next Episode amd clicked it.

Tonight, I was just watching past episodes of American Horror Story.

When I finished it, I was bored again.

I reached over to my phone.
No New Messages
I sighed
Something is up.

I checked the Instagram that Percy had made for me.

It was mostly him "hacking my account"

and putting embarrassing pictures of me on there, but its not like anyone cared.

I saw Jason had just posted a picture of himself looking sad and the caption was I miss her already and I've only barely gotten here.

It was cute.

And since it involved one of my best friends, I liked it.

I was about to scroll past it, when I saw Percy in the background.




I put my phone down.
Its nothing.
He's my boyfriend.
It's fine.

But deep down, I knew that it wasn't fine.

Long story short, I spent the night worrying about him, because he never came home.

Back to Percy's POV bc drama yay

I woke up with a major headache.

Groaning, I sat up, shocked by sudden light.
My room doesn't have any windows that I keep open.

My eyes sprang open and I took in my surroundings.
This wasn't my room.

The door opened and Calypso walked in, with shorts and a tank top.

She handed me a glass of some yellowish liquid.

"Its a piña colada."

I shook my head, still in shock.

"I don't drink."

She smiled and said some words that I knew were trouble.
"That's the difference between this and you. This piña colada is virgin."

A/N: Hehehe c:<

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