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Nico squinted at the screen, mouthing the words, trying to make sense of what was even happening. He gave up and leaned back in his chair.

"Percy, can you come here?" The singing from the kitchen stopped and he heard footsteps coming down the hallway. When he looked back,  Percy was standing in the doorway, his apron covered in flour, a stupid smile on his face.

"What's up?" Nico sighed and turned back to the computer screen, gesturing vaguely.

"Someone sent me an email with a link to a fan fiction about us. It... makes absolutely no sense. There are so many plot holes. I thought I was dead in the story and it wasn't clear who had actually died. I haven't even made it to the end. It's physically impossible for me to read the rest of it. I stopped at chapter thirteen. I can't do it. We are so cringy in it. Make it stop." Percy laughed, but leaned foward, closing the window.

"There. Problem solved." Nico groaned.

"But I can never unread that. Bianca is such a bitch in it. Also, everyone is fucking gay. What the hell?" 

"All of our friends are gay. The author isn't wrong."

"But Leo, you, and I had a weird love triangle. And then Leo and Jason were a thing? But then they weren't? And suddenly they were heterosexual, I can't believe." Percy shrugged.

"Just ask the author what was up then."

"Ugh." Nico slumped forward on to the desk and Percy rolled his eyes.

"Just remember that we have to go to my mother's house in a few hours, and you promised to help with the cooking this time."

nico: why i just wanna know why


alex: also,, yes this was a way to insert myself into the story and apologize for this shitty fic,, like idk how any of you like it/are still reading it. its so bad !!! i tried rereading it a few weeks ago and couldn't make it past chapter 13, like its so bad.

alex: like i was terrible at writing back then but i had good intentions. unfortunately,, i had a habit of character bashing as a plot point (also seen as how fuckin terrible annabeth is in Lips like jfc alex what did she do to you

alex: thanks for all the lovely comments though i really appreciate them even if the story was absolute garbage

alex: in conclusion,, i still read some of the comments even if i don't reply 

alex: pls feel free to message me, i promise ill reply (and im constantly wanting motivation to write,, and better at it now i just need more muses)

alex: ok thats all thanks for reading

edit #1 (bc who knows how many more ill make):

alex: i didnt fuckin address the fact that i put daterape in this ok i am so fucking sorry for that i honestly had no idea how to make a plot go anywhere if not for extremes and it was really fucked up to make percy lose his virginity when drunk. i can't even begin to explain how terrible that was, no matter if i was 13 or 14. i really dont understand how people still read this after that. anyway thats all for now.

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