Chapter 19

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I went to Nico's last class and right before he came out, Calypso came up to me and kissed me.

I pushed her back quickly.

She looked at me, looking offended.

"Am I bad kisser?"

"Uh... I don't like you that way..."

Calypso rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to. I just want to have some fun."

Is this what my mom warned me about in 7th grade?

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm good."

I turned and Nico stood there, paralyzed.


He ran off, to the front.


I searched all over the school and found him outside, sitting next to Leo's friend, sniffling.

I felt someone stand next to me, watching them too.

"What happened?"

It was that Sandra girl that Jason liked.

"Calypso kissed me, and I guess he saw."

"Calypso kissed you?"

I turned to her.

"Yeah, wh-"

Sandra stormed back into the school.

I watched her, almost seeing the smoke exit her ears.

When I turned back to Nico and the girl, Nico was looking up at me, shaking.

I walked over to him, but that girl stood in front of him, blocking me, much how Leo had on our first real encounter.

No wonder he likes her.

"You have some major explaining to do."

"I know, it was-"

"I don't care. Nico is hu-"

Nico cut her off.

"Kaitlynn, just let him talk."

The girl, Kaitlynn, moved, still glaring daggers into me.

Nico looked up at me, his eyes wide, a little puffy and glossy.

"Percy, what really happened?"

His voice was sad, almost cracking.

I walked in front of him and kneeled, taking his face in my hands, our foreheads pressed together.

"She kissed me. I didn't kiss her back, I promise."

He looked at me, and I swore I could see the little boy I helped on Halloween, years ago.


I laughed.


He smiled slightly.

"Pinkie promise?"

How cute

I kissed his nose.

"Pinkie promise."

He smiled, a real smile and kissed me.

"Promise that you'll always wait for me to explain before you leave me? I don't ever want to lose you."

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