Final Chapter

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The time has come!

"Here's your stop."

I looked up and the taxi driver was right.

Thanking him, I got out of the cab.

I opened the door of my apartment.

After high school, I moved out of my mom's house and bought a small apartment nearby.

Nearby to my mom, to my childhood, to my past.

But most importantly, nearby to the park.

Nico and I tried to do the whole long distance thing, but after about a year, we had a teary breakup.

Neither of us were okay over it, but it was for the best.

He was all the way in Greece and we had been underaged.

Now here I am, 5 years later.

Shivering the winter wind, I checked my phone.
5 New Texts
Jason: She said yes!
Good for you.
Leo: Kaitlynn's pregnant!
Wow, that's great.
Reyna: Wow I have a girlfriend now
Pipes: We just got a cat! :3
Now that's making progress in a relationship

I got to the last message.

It was from someone I didn't think I would get a text from.

Not since that night.

I shuddered, not wanting to think about it.
Nico di Angelo: I miss you. That's really all there is to say.

I groaned, walking into my kitchen.

My tea box was calling out to me.

Nico sent texts like that occasionally.

Even when he though he wasn't here, I never stopped thinking about him.

I was 17 when I met him, and here I am, 5 years later, still helplessly in love.

It was almost sort of, sad.

Nico still managed to have me wrapped around his finger.

By texting me every 6 months, he kept me close.

I never replied to him, no.

It would hurt too much to be reminded of why I even opened the messages.

I love him.

The whistling teapot sent a jolt through my spine.

My tea is ready.

I poured it into my favorite mug that had a cartoon whale on it.

Taking a slow sip, I sat down on my couch.

I grabbed my laptop and logged onto Twitter.

I noticed Nico had just sent out a tweet.
@RulerOfDarkness: Ugh I hate jetlag! Let me stay awake! I have important stuff soon!

I laughed, knowing how moody Nico can get when he's tired.

I always made sure he slept well, but he wasn't here to shove into bed and cuddle.

I swallowed hard and logged out.
Some memories are better left untouched

I checked my Instagram.

Again, Nico was online and active.

He posted a picture of some food on a plate.
Caption: Airport food isn't that bad!

Why is he at an airport?

I just shrugged it off.

My friends had invited me over to go to the Valdez household to celebrate everything, but I just wasn't in the mood.

I finished off my tea and grabbed my jacket.
Maybe it was all the happiness with everyone and lack of happiness with me, but I really needed something.
I needed to go back to the park.
I needed to remember why I was here.
I needed him.

But Nico isn't here.

I walked to the park where Nico and I had spent so much time.

It was deserted.

I wasn't expecting any different.

No one came here anymore.

The only two people I could think that would come was Nico and me.

Only half of us were here.

I got on one of the swings.

The one that had my name carved into the seat.

I swung slowly, feeling the chill wind rustle my hair, spreading the smell of winter into my lungs.

I closed my eyes and lost myself within my thoughts.
Nico used to do this a lot.
I can see why though.

There was a change in wind direction and my nose caught the scent of something familiar.

With a pinch of honey.

I slowed down my swing and heard the swing next to me start moving.

It was slightly rusty, due to lack of use.

"Its rather cold, isn't it?"

My eyes drifted open.

"It was colder last winter. I guess you wouldn't know about that, though."

I turned to the face I hadn't seen in years.

He hadn't changed much.

His features only slightly matured, except his lips.

They were decorated with a single piercing.

His eyes were brighter now, cheeks flushed from the bitter wind.

His voice was deep and quiet when he spoke.

"I'm sorry for leaving."

He hesitated.

"I really missed you, though."

I swallowed hard.

"I missed you, too, Neeks."

He looked to the sky.

"I'm here to stay this time, Perce. I'm legal now. There's nothing making me leave. Not that I'd want to."

I took a deep breath and let it out, watching it appear in the air in front of me.

"You want some hot chocolate?"

He grinned.

"I would love some."

We got off our swings and walked to my apartment.

We spent the entire time talking and laughing.

At some point, he kissed me.

And I kissed him back.

Just like that, he was back like he had never left.

To quote a certain book, I fell in love the way you fall asleep.
Slowly, then all at once.

A/N: Well that's it c: I loved writing this and I'm gonna miss updating! I hope you enjoyed this experience with me! <3 I love you all!

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