Chapter 11

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I watched my sister press her lips against Percy's and I decided that maybe Percy was going to reject me.

Maybe he would hurt me.

Maybe he would cause me heartbreak

But, maybe he wouldn't

Maybe he would make me happy.

Maybe he could help me.

Maybe he could fix me

I put my head down and groaned.


Groaning again and ignoring Leo's snickers, I reached in for my phone.

I read Percy's text and couldn't control my smile as it began to grow.

My stomach exploded with butterflies and an idea grew in my head.

My fingers hovered above the keys and Leo nudged me.

"Text him back."

I blushed and shook my head.

"What are you going to do?" I asked him, not about our project, but about Jason, his feelings, his own life.

Leo smiled sadly and leaned back.

"I don't know know. But who said I needed to figure it all out now?"

I nodded, understanding.

Leo was stronger than most thought.

His father had died, leaving him to take care of his mom, who had gone numb after his death.

Leo worked to be able to support a mother who wasn't even aware that he was alive.

But he could still come to school, get good grades, and live the life he wanted to.

Maybe I didn't really like him, but I was definitely proud of him.

He nudged me again and pointed to my phone.

"Text him." He ordered, getting up and walking out my door.

I sighed and looked down at the message.

Can I come over? Like now?

I slumped over on my bed and waited for a reply.

10 minutes passed and I still got no reply.

I was starting to get nervous

I glanced out my window.

The sky was barely getting dark, as it was only about 6ish.

But the clouds in the sky made it obvious that it was going to rain soon.

I made up my mind and grabbed my jacket, running out the house.

Percy doesn't live that far

(flashback bc yolo and fluff ^-^)

I was only about 10, on a cool Halloween night.

Bianca was a princess, and I was a pirate.

"Nico, come on!" Bianca yelled from across the street.

I stumbled along, trying to keep up with my sister.

Keeping up and not tripping were two different things.

On my way to the house that Bianca was at, I tripped over a rock.

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