Chapter 7

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I watched Nico hold the door.

Pausing, I turn and saw him look uncomfortable.

Well the entire class IS staring

I sat down next to Annabeth and she punched my shoulder.

Groaning, I stuck up the middle finger at her and she laughed.

"Why are you late?" she asked.

I pointed at Nico, who was still at the door.

Annabeth raised her eyebrow and winked.

I felt my face heat up and shook my head.

"No! Its not like that.. I just.. He wa-"

She laughed again and cut me off.

"No need to explain your little flings to me, Seaweed Brain."


Nico could never be a fling.

Assuming, he could ever feel the same way I felt towards him.

I would take care of him.

Never a fling.

I turned away from Annabeth to hear the entire class laugh at something.

Even Nico was smiling, if only barely.


There was a kid who was walking in front of Nico to go sit down.

I watched Nico in fascination, the way his eyes stayed on the ground, never looking in front of him.

That's probably what caused Nico to not see the boy stop abruptly and turn around.

My blood boiled at the sight of them.

That person dared be mere inches from Nico's face.

I could see the boy's breathing hitch a little.

I could see his eyes go down to Nico's lips.


I cleared my throat loudly and Nico snapped out of whatever trance he had been in.

Mrs. Perez explained our project, but I barely paid attention.

All I could see was that kid continue to steal glances at Nico.

Nico's mine.


I jumped a little and quickly checked my phone.

Jason: If looks could kill, Valdez would be 6 feet under.

I turned around quickly and saw Jason smirking at me, two tables away.

Fuck, you saw that?

I sent back.

Jason: You aren't very discrete about it

Well shit

I glanced up and saw Nico and that boy talking.

"- work together?"


"Actually, Nico was gonna to work with me," I cut in.

The guy's face fell and he muttered something.


Of course, nothing ever worked in my favor.

Annabeth had to go and remind me of our promise from the beginning of the year to work together on everything.

Nico looked over at the guy and cut in that he was fine with working with Leo


Leo Valdez.

Then it clicked.

I remembered this kid.

He had come to our school district about two years ago.

His dad had died too, I think.

But he hadn't buried himself in guilt, like I did.

Maybe because he had more time to get used to the emptiness inside his chest.

Or maybe he didn't.

But he had distracted himself with machines and engineering.

Leo Valdez had hooked the school up with major fixes.

So this is my competition.

I'll ask Jason to check him out later.

I turned to Annabeth bitterly.

"Let's go get our play, Wise Girl."

As we walked to Mrs. Perez, Nico and Leo were on their way back.

They looked like they were playfully arguing.

Nico shoved Leo's shoulder and Leo grabbed his wrists and pulled them behind his back.

I heard Nico huff and walked to them.

Nico saw me coming and called out, "Who's more like Romeo?"

They got Romeo And Juliet?


Just perfect.

Well its better than Annabeth and me getting it.

I forced a smile and looked between them.

Nico had feminine features, like his big black eyes, long lashes, full lips, pink cheeks, just everything was on the girly side.

Well maybe not everything

I squinted and looked at Leo.

Leo was scrawny, but he was definitely more boyish than Nico.

"Well, I'd have to say that you're a beautiful Juliet, Nico"

Leo cracked up and Nico blushed.

"C'mon, sunshine. Bell's about to ring."

Leo pulled Nico to their table and I watched them sit and talk more.

Annabeth came back and she had some papers in her hand.

"We got -"

I cut her off

"Bell's about to ring. Tell me later."


Right on time.

I saw Leo and Nico separate, and Nico walked away with the girl from this morning.

We barely even talked

Then he was tackled by another body.

A/N: Heeeey ^-^ I didn't update ;-; I try to update everyday, and if I can't, I do it the next day.

Sorry guys ^-^

Is anyone beside Blaire reading this? ._.

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